Ok you thought of that out of nowhere...and you expect this thread to move there automatically just like that? At least give us some sources to back up your claim. Shouldn't you know how this forum works already?

I had some thoughts when I first read the story, but maybe Im typing in the wrong search criteria at yahoo, as its not returning very much old info about the loan only the more recent stuff.
I could understand Israel giving China a loan in the mid 1990's with most countries wanting a piece of the "China action" and China needed the money (much of which was probably negotiated before then)so the only info is a billion dollars spread over how long? meanwhile the current loan is the third part of the overall loan.
Im wondering did it slow down and stop during the intervening years when relations with Israel soured a little? If it hadnt soured and had been ongoing since 1995, whats the big deal with publicizing it now?
If it had soured why is it being ressucitated now? Is Israel trying to improve its geopolitical situation with China because of the Iran Question? In todays enviroment the amount of the loan is hardly a big deal, but as one poster pointed out the money go round makes strange reading. It also plays its part in demonstrating, on what a joke sanctions are. In this case USA gives the money in the form of aid to Israel who in turn loans money to China, who then thinks " Hey weve got an extra 400mil here which we dont really need because weve got a spare 2Trillion in the bank, so we will flic it on to Iran, whose economy is being wrecked by Us lead sanctions.