Yeah I've been trying to follow that. Photos of the Flap Lid (some say Tombstone) FC radar also present.
The dummy launch tubes is not a big deal in itself, Iran generally only parades dummy weapons for safety/cost etc. The launcher elevation mechanism can be seen in photos from rear.
The Flap Lid uses the same chassis, which looks too small to be honest - the radar is not ideally transported. So strange as it sounds the radar itself looks genuine but the truck mounting is either faked or just terribly designed.
Also shown was a Nebo series radar which could be used in place of Big Bird.
Overall, I'd say this should be treated as a credible near-future system, but no evidence that it's currently operational. Suggests that when it is fielded it'll be a 'basic' S-300 system with mismatched radars etc, using Iranian vehicles. No doubt Iran will claim it's indigenous, which will assist Moscow politically.
Several more qualified observers I've talked to are VERY skeptical about it, more-so even than I.