If This Is True, It Will Change Entire Ball Games Of Air Defenses


空间物理学主要研究地球20-30公里高度直到太阳大气这一广阔的日地空间环境中的基本物理过程。武汉大学是我国最早开展电离层及电波传播研究和教学的单位。1981年,武汉大学空间物理学被批准为我国首批博士学位授权点之一,1988年被确定为国家级重点学科,1997年,经论证进入“211 工程”国家重点学科建设项目,总投入强度达1335万元。主要研究方向:电离层与磁层研究、中高层大气环境及其电磁波诊断方法、日地系统扰动传播及空间天气预测等。

空间物理监测学是们很复杂的学问,它的研究监测范围则按其监测对象大致可以分为中层大气、高层大气、电离层、磁层、日球、宇宙线监测等。在这里笔者不想多说,为了简单明了的让军事迷们明白,我就简单说明下高速战机在空间物理场中引发的一系列物理变化。飞机在空中飞行时高速的,在飞行中会引起空气涡流、空气压力变化、空气带电离子变化、水蒸气变化、红外辐射等一系列的空间场景变化,这种变化是很剧烈的,能监测到这种变化的物理现象,就能监测到任何飞机的行踪,当然,这也是很困难的。最早的空间物理场监测手段,就是红外监测,红外雷达可以归纳到这一类,但红外监测飞机具有局限性,就是监测距离一般都比较短,大多在50公里以内。现在第四代战机又加装了红外抑制技术,并采取了多种红外诱导手段,使监测能力大打折扣。广大军事迷们都会在歼11的图片上看到驾驶舱前面有一个圆形的突出物体,它就是歼11的红外线探测雷达,它能够探测到40公里以外的空中100W的红外能量体,拿军方的话来说,就是在 40公里的位置上发现第三代战机(如F16)喷气热能量,由于F22等四代战机采用了红外抑制技术,发现距离最远大概是20公里。

如果想让隐形战机现身,空气水蒸气电离子监测是最有效的手段。喷气战机在空中飞行,机身会和大气剧烈摩擦,从而使周边空气分子和水蒸气分子带电,在空中形成一个彗星型的电离子带,如水面舰艇行驶留下的尾流现象。能监测到这个空间电离子带,任何战斗飞机也无法躲避被追踪的命运。我国最早于 2002年开始研制空间电离子监测雷达,当时的用途是用来进行天气监测,监测空气中带电的云团,来给未来战场提供准确的天气情报。云团是怎样带电的,这个大家都很清楚,我这里也不需要进行介绍。空间电离子监测是项复杂的技术,工作原理就是发射一定频率的电磁脉冲波,电磁脉冲波与空间电离子相撞,产生新的放电现象,再用高精度接收器接收放电现象产生的电波。2004年我国第一台实验性空间电离子监测天气预报雷达研究成功,在计算机等新技术的支持下,我国又于 2008年设计出两坐标空间电离子监测天气预报雷达。2008年9月,新的两坐标空间电离子监测天气预报雷达在东南沿海测试过程中,无意发现了几个扫帚型电离子带,电离子带的快速移动引起在场科技人员的极大兴趣,后经望眼镜观测,是我国海军航空兵的某战机中队在实验区域做飞行训练。消息传到军委后引起极大的震动,在10月份就下达了军用空间三坐标电离子监测雷达的命令,要求在2012年以前研制成功并装备部队。



Google Translation, Sorry!

Physical monitoring of space science is very complicated their knowledge , the scope of its research according to their monitoring of the monitoring objects can be divided into the middle atmosphere, upper atmosphere , ionosphere , magnetosphere, on the ball , cosmic ray monitoring. I do not want to say here , in order to allow the military fans in simple to understand , I will briefly explain the physical space under the high-speed aircraft in a series of field -induced physical changes . High-speed aircraft flying in the air , in flight will cause the air current, air pressure , air- charged ions changes, changes in water vapor , infrared radiation and a series of changes in the space scenes , this change is very dramatic , to monitor the This change of physical phenomena , can monitor the whereabouts of any aircraft , of course, this is very difficult. The first space physics field monitoring means that infrared surveillance , infrared radar can be summarized into this category , but the limitations of infrared surveillance aircraft is monitoring the distance is relatively short , mostly less than 50 km . Now the fourth-generation fighter has installed infrared suppression technology , and take a variety of infrared induction means so greatly reduced monitoring capability . The majority of military fans will be in J- 11 cockpit in front of the picture to see a prominent circular object , it is the F- 11 radar, infrared detection , it can detect the air 40 kilometers 100W infrared energy body , to take military Fang 's words, is the location of 40 km found third-generation fighters (such as F16) jet thermal energy , such as F22 fighter planes for four generations using infrared suppression , was found about 20 kilometers from the farthest .

If you want stealth fighters coming out , air water vapor ions is the most effective means of monitoring . Jet fighters flying in the air , the friction body and the intense atmosphere , so the surrounding air molecules and water vapor of charged molecules in the air to form a comet -type ions with , such as surface ship wakes left by moving the phenomenon . This space can be detected ionizing zone, any combat aircraft can not avoid the fate of being tracked . The earliest in 2002 developing space power ion monitoring radar , when the purpose is used for weather monitoring , air monitoring, the cloud of charged to a future battlefield to provide accurate weather information . How clouds are charged , this we know very well , I do not need to be introduced here . Space power is a complex ion monitoring technology works is to launch a certain frequency electromagnetic pulse , electromagnetic pulse ionizing collision with the space , resulting in new discharge phenomenon , and then high-precision receivers to receive radio waves discharge phenomenon . In 2004, China 's first experimental space charge ion monitoring weather radar research success , computers and other new technologies in support of our country again in 2008 to design the two coordinates of space power ion monitoring weather radar . September 2008 , the new two- coordinate space power ion monitoring weather radar during testing in the South East coast , has no intention found with several broom -type ions , ions with the fast-moving technology personnel caused by the presence of great interest , after The telescope observations, some of China's Naval Air Force fighter squadron to do flight training in the experimental area . After the news spread to the CMC caused great shock , issued in October to coordinate military space power ion monitoring radar orders to successful development in 2012 and the troops.

However, the spatial development of electric ion monitoring radar has affected the progress of China's fourth-generation fighters , stealth design as the previous round face the danger of falling behind , the Shenyang Aircraft Research Institute in 2009 on the fourth generation of our F-XX machine design Re- dressing , be sure, the new fourth-generation fighter plane shape is definitely not like the U.S. F22 , F22 fighters that do not have to use the technical features to measure China 's F-XX fourth-generation machine .

China's market monitoring in space physics research is currently taking the world's most cutting-edge , and the world's first break the " sound barrier air vapor cone "phenomenon , thanks to the hard work of our scientists . " sound barrier air vapor cone "phenomenon , more professional military fans will know that the supersonic fighter into the speed of sound in the moment , appears in the body around the phenomenon of steam cone . Before the world's scientists are difficult to understand this phenomenon , can not give a reasonable explanation. A HAN Chinese scientists in 2008 that " the sound barrier air vapor cone "phenomenon is the air ion -induced physical effects of piezoelectric coupling , is the scientific community as HAN coupling . HAN coupling for electric ion monitoring of China's space radar identified a broad bright road unlimited . ( Because some of the elements involved in military and technological secrets , I did not write , also requested the general understanding of military fans )


The Capitalist
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So to summarise the article (can you please provide the link) it is saying that while you can use Stealth Technology to hide a plane, you cannot hide the physical changes that it causes to the medium through which it moves and that these physical changes can be detected and "tracked". In this case the change in Ionisation of water molecules in the air itself.

Is this correct?


Banned Idiot
So to summarise the article (can you please provide the link) it is saying that while you can use Stealth Technology to hide a plane, you cannot hide the physical changes that it causes to the medium through which it moves and that these physical changes can be detected and "tracked". In this case the change in Ionisation of water molecules in the air itself.

Is this correct?

Sounds about right to me.
I have known and propose this method of tracking for years now.
A fish needs to swim in water because that's the only way it can operate - and fish creates waves in which it can be tracked.
For a jet fighter which create jet streams - its not hard to imagine as radar tech becomes more and more sophisticated, it will eventually be able to track "air disturbances".
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Such method was used in the movie to detect the F-117A Nighthawk in Under Seige 2, which then the plane was destroyed. I do hope China have access to such technology, which then it means F-22's stealth superiority will be neutralized. The only reason I wish China has this is because it seems unlikely that China will share this technology yet, or reveal it to public. China is smart enough to know to expose this will sound a loud siren of China threat to the US Congress, which means it will undermine China's safety with the new heightened anti-China threat from revealing too much.
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Junior Member
So to summarise the article (can you please provide the link) it is saying that while you can use Stealth Technology to hide a plane, you cannot hide the physical changes that it causes to the medium through which it moves and that these physical changes can be detected and "tracked". In this case the change in Ionisation of water molecules in the air itself.

Is this correct?


Or you can say---for a submarine---to look for a hole in the water---it is water everywhere in the ocean---but find a spot that is not acting like like an ocean and you got your submarine---wonders of technology.


Staff member
Super Moderator
The real question is why the PLA let this piece of news out when they are on the verge of developing a system capable of defeating stealth :roll:.:rofl:


Junior Member
The real question is why the PLA let this piece of news out when they are on the verge of developing a system capable of defeating stealth :roll:.:rofl:

It doesn't even sound like an official announcement, probably leaked/made up by netizens.
Even if it's leaked, I don't think they'd be too worried because it's impossible to stop the phenomenon(Or by the time they can we'd probably be colonizing mars), the detection method will still work.


Staff member
Super Moderator
It doesn't even sound like an official announcement, probably leaked/made up by netizens.
Even if it's leaked, I don't think they'd be too worried because it's impossible to stop the phenomenon(Or by the time they can we'd probably be colonizing mars), the detection method will still work.

I get the feeling that Chinese engineers/technicians working on the top secret programs are going to hunt down every single info. leaker one day and strangle them out of frustration :D.


Junior Member
Technically feasible but tactically not so revolutionary. How does one distinguish friendly planes from the hostile ones? How difficult is it to saturate the system by false targets (drones?)? What coverage could such a detecting system offer, and what's the rate of false alarm (disturbance caused by natural/artificial factors)?

Most importantly, a stealthy fighter/bomber can plan the route of flight to avoid confronting the system head-on, in the same manner Germany conquered France in WWII.*


Lieutenant General
How does one distinguish friendly planes from the hostile ones? How difficult is it to saturate the system by false targets (drones?)?

How about what this system sees that regular radar can't... stealth target acquired.