IAF air chief marshal finally talks(movie).
Important info-
EXCLUSIVE IAF air chief interview...
Subject: IAF Air Chief Interview.
Interview conducted on: 15th April 2006.
Duration: 5.30 min.
Size: 3.3 Mb.
The above link contains a lot of advertisements along the way. Be patient, you will eventually find your way.
Topics talked about:
1# IAF pilots switching over to civilian side.
2# Acquisitions and deals planned.
3# Delivery timeline for foreign defence equipment purchases.
4# LCA.
5# Mig-21 crashes and IAF attrition rate.
Important info-
EXCLUSIVE IAF air chief interview...
Subject: IAF Air Chief Interview.
Interview conducted on: 15th April 2006.
Duration: 5.30 min.
Size: 3.3 Mb.
The above link contains a lot of advertisements along the way. Be patient, you will eventually find your way.
Topics talked about:
1# IAF pilots switching over to civilian side.
2# Acquisitions and deals planned.
3# Delivery timeline for foreign defence equipment purchases.
4# LCA.
5# Mig-21 crashes and IAF attrition rate.