Yeah, it's a good source for Iranian press photos etc, which it's no secret interest me. And you have to register to see so I registered, and from there started posting to fish for more info. Before long I started discussing stuff I thought was posted that was wrong/misleading/silly etc - my bad. I have the viewpoint of an unbiased non-Iranian and say what I see when it comes to Iranian equipment. There are some good posters there but I am clearly unpopular and targeted with trolling, and I mean by moderators and whatnot who I think really would rather I leave. Bully tactics of those who cannot discuss like adults. They have a long way to go before they reach the level of credibility of SinoDefence IMO. 'Though we have a few J-14 dreamers here too I guess
They seem to have "Korean-Syndrome" and think that everything that Iran produces is an Iranian invention, such as the C-802 and C-701 missiles. T-72 is better than T-90 because... well it's not is it. And no amount of commonsense will sway many of them.
On the other hand they are way better than or whatever it's called.