Hi everyone,
As you guys probably know the general consensus among armchair generals is that Chinese militaries either are now or have always been human wave centric, that is to say mindless hoards charging into machine guy fire with poorly made or no weapons. Or alternatively that Chinese soldiers are peasants with no training sent to fight as cannon fodder.
This is a myth i think we are all tired of, i'd like to compile a quick list of articles and source to dispel this on both modern and pre-modern Chinese history.
Let's talk about things like the professionalism or ancient Chinese militaries, let's talk about the three man cell squad level tactics and infiltration in depth of the nature of Chinese militaries, its to the detriment of ourselves as scholars and military/history enthusiasts that we don't have a more coherent thread or resource just to dispel myths and stereotypes all too pervasive in popular history and military circles.
As you guys probably know the general consensus among armchair generals is that Chinese militaries either are now or have always been human wave centric, that is to say mindless hoards charging into machine guy fire with poorly made or no weapons. Or alternatively that Chinese soldiers are peasants with no training sent to fight as cannon fodder.
This is a myth i think we are all tired of, i'd like to compile a quick list of articles and source to dispel this on both modern and pre-modern Chinese history.
Let's talk about things like the professionalism or ancient Chinese militaries, let's talk about the three man cell squad level tactics and infiltration in depth of the nature of Chinese militaries, its to the detriment of ourselves as scholars and military/history enthusiasts that we don't have a more coherent thread or resource just to dispel myths and stereotypes all too pervasive in popular history and military circles.