Thank you very much for the links and your effort. Upon reading it, I am more sure that china (as any non GPS like military) may face quite a problem in actual war conditions.
All is nice while one can rely on domestic network of radio ranging units which can be made quite mobile. But, for a scenario far outside such network, such navigation would not work. LORAN type of navigaton, as far as i can tell, not only is of less precision but its emitters are large and fixed in order to achieve frequencies needed for propagation of signals over sea surface. They may turn out to be one of the first targets in any possible conflict.
So then the planes from my question are a bit buggered. While ground radio ranging units can help them to achieve the B point rendezvous, once they get far enough and low enough, they're completely on their own. So it is only accelerometers, compass and various altimeters and speedometers to rely on. It would mean accumulation of perhaps up to few hundreds of meters of error over the 300 km to target point. And that is providing the flight is completely straight and controlled. If there is any kind of enemy attack (be it by AAMs or SAMs or what not) which would force the planes to do evasive manouvers, errors would be even greater. In the end, when planes come into range to release their weapons - there is no way to achieve any sort of precision on the target, even if weapons themselves have INS.