Happy Thanksgiving


VIP Professional
Well for SDF members within and outside of America anyway, and those outside maybe able to hopefully understand the meaning of it.

Don't think eating turkeys are popular in China, but maybe help celebrate by eating another bird like chicken, duck or pigeon. I heard that ostriches are a new fast rising source of protein.


Junior Member
indeed you are right, most people in China does not celebrate Thankgiving nor do they eat turkey very often. However, Christimas is becoming increasingly popular and eating turkey on Christimas day became a fashion and many people's chance to taste some western traditional dish!

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Big Daddy should go to the PRC an train them on how to prepare a turkey..Everyone would want to eat it!

Thanksgiving is my second favorite holiday next to Christmas. Tomorrow (in the US) we shall travel to my wifes daughter home for Thanksgiving dinner. Everyone is bringing some sort of dish..

Happy Thanksgiving to all!


The Punisher
Staff member
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Registered Member
personally i've never seen turkey in china... ever... it mostly appears in books or articles about american culture and holidays, etc.