Gun Control Debate

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Junior Member
The notion of needing firearms to protect against overweening government is one argument that is trotted out, time and time again. Unfortunately, since the worst that Government can do has already been done: i.e. multi trillion dollar bail out using tax payers monies to criminally reckless Wall St Bankers, at the cost of mass unemployment, home dispossession, bankruptcy, the destruction of life prospects and the general American Dream for generations for millions of ordinary US citizens, and nobody has come out and fired a shot, it sounds increasingly hollow.

As there seem to be regular school and mall shootings but never a shot at a single Wall St Kleptocrat, I think its time to face reality and give them up.

Again, that's not going to happen, and the only way to begin adult discussion on the subject is to acknowledge that a very large segment of the population does not want that to happen and discuss it with that in mind.

To try to actually push through blanket bans on guns as a whole would only alienate large sections of America, and what do you do when those gun owners say 'no, it is my right to bear arms'?

An immediate issue that could be addressed with little political quagmire could be reforming our mental healthcare system, particularly the ability to isolate the dangerous ones from society and get them the help they need.

Honestly it doesn't really fit into the theme of the forum, but if there is a desire I suppose a thread could be created in the members club room section.(?)
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
This thread is about gun control.

Politics is allowed in this thread. If things get out of hand we shall close this thread. All other rules in this forum apply.

This thread is open for discussion.

bd popeye super moderator


Lieutenant General
I don't own a gun, but I look forward to owning one myself someday. This is a very hard subject for many Americans to think about. It seems like the politics on both side has to be either all or nothing mentality. I believe there should some more laws for gun control, but don't banned them altogether. There millions of others responsible gun ownership in the US, it just took a single psychopath to ruined it for everybody that owns one.

Mr T

Senior Member
Here's a quick question for those that are in favour of some sort of home gun ownership. Would it be ok to ban the sale of automatic weapons and restrict handguns/rifles to small magazines?


Junior Member
Here's a quick question for those that are in favour of some sort of home gun ownership. Would it be ok to ban the sale of automatic weapons and restrict handguns/rifles to small magazines?

I thought only semi-automatics can be sold in the US like the AR-15 used in the recent shooting but I would have a really hard time even imagining any restriction can be imposed on the size of the magazines.


Lieutenant General
California already has such restrictions on assault type weapons and magazine sizes. There are still what people call assault type weapons sold in California but are legal only because the reduced sized magazine is fixed into the gun and you can only reload the weapon from the inside aiming to lengthen the time it takes to reload. One way how this has been by-passed is the bullet key where the magazine cannot be easily removed but need something the size and shape of a bullet in order to press a button to release the magazine. California lawmakers are trying to ban that now.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
SampanViking said:
The notion of needing firearms to protect against overweening government is one argument that is trotted out, time and time again. Unfortunately, since the worst that Government can do has already been done...
Please. This statement is so absolutely out of touch with history that it boggles the mind. The worst? Economic bailouts and the occassional over-reach by executive orders not following the law (ie DOMA and Immigration)? Nothing even close to the "worst."

Remember Hitler, Stalin, Pot Pal, etc., etc. and mass round ups of citizens, open executipons, dragging people to death camps, gas chambers and work camps.

The worst has not been done, or anywhere close. And as long as almost 100 million Americans are armed with 300+ million firearms and billions of rounds of ammo, those "worst scenarios" will not happen.

The 2nd Amendmnet is an excellent defense against either national government going completely amuk, or against invasion as well. In either case, logistical lines will never be maintained when so many are armrd...and armed well, with tens of millions of trained "snipers" with high powered rifles, and with assault rifles.

In addition, it is also the absolute best defense against these types mass shootings. Here are some figures:

Time for a crazed criminal to kill 20 unarmed, massed together people: 30 seconds (plus or minus a few)
Time for average 911 Police response 7-9 Minutes
Time for a conceal carry or open carry individual to respond to a threat: 2-4 seconds.

You pick which one will provide the best potential for immediate defense.

Whenever these individual killers have been confronted by an individual carrying a firearm for defense, and one trained and willing to use it, the mass killings invariably stop with either the death, injury or apprension of the killer. Whether in a school in Tennessee when a teacher ran to his auto and retreived a weapon and stopped it, at a Mall in Utah when an off duty police officer who had a personal conceal carry permit stopped it, or at a church in Colorado where a conceal carry member of the church near the front door stopped the killer from entering the sanctuary...or in numerous other cases, the perps are stopped before the killer can turn their crime into a true mass murder.

That's why "gun free zones" are foolish. The criminals by definition will not obey those laws. Only the law abiding citizens will. This creates a target rich opportunity for the criminals...where they know others will not be apt to stop them. So they go there knowing they will have quite a few unfettered moments to do their terror.

The Israeli's, in the 1970s faced (for the initial time) terrorists who attacked their schools and killed young children there. The Israelis responded by arming the teachers and those types of attacks quickly ended. To this day you will see Israeli teachers aremd in the classroom and when they take kids out on field trips.

In Texas they are already passing laws to allow teachers to be armed. Not forcing it, but jusyt allowing those who desire to be trained and armed. We are petitioning our representatives in Idaho right now to do the same.

It is clearly the best way to respond if you expect to stop crazed individuals intent on a killing spree.

By definition they will disobey the 1000 ft laws, the registration laws, the banning laws, and any others.

Trying to take crime off the streets by banning something simply does not work. Look at prohibition of alcohol. Expecting it to somehow work with guns is simply foolhardy at best...and a willful pursuit of a very far left agenda to disarm the citizenry at worst.


Lieutenant General
A lot of people enjoy smoking, yet did many have a serious problem with smoking bans for indoor public places and even in many outdoors public areas like beaches?

Hard drugs like opium and heroin were once household items and even actively marketed to children in the form of sweets and cough drops.

If society was able to ban substances that actually altered the brain chemistry of users to make them hopelessly addicted to them, there is absolutely no reason why it cannot ban man toys. And for the vast majority of gun owners in America, guns are just toys for adults. We love them and get a lot of enjoyment out of them, but there are precious few people in America who literally cannot live without their guns.

I am not taking about OTT states and melodrama, I challenge those opposed to gun control to actually find many people who's lives would be fundamentally altered or threatened if they cannot have fire arms privately.

I cannot see anything that would make a blanket ban on all firearms impossible, the vast majority of countries where gun ownership is illegal are perfect examples in points.

Are the Europeans less happy or free because they cannot privately own guns?

And please, before anyone starts with right wing propaganda, a ban on guns does not need to equate to FBI agents kicking down doors and prizing guns from the cold dead fingers of gun nuts. A simple ban on the sales of all ammunition would render the vast majority of privately owned firearms pointless.

Ban the sale and trade of all ammunition in the US, and then offer up a cash for guns programme a few years later, after the vast majority of gun owners had long since run out of ammo, and watch the lines stretch around the corner of collection points.

The reason the gun lobby is so anal about killing off any serious debate before it can even get started is because they know they have no case if the arguments were allowed to be explored in any detail.

At heart of the debate is the fact that gun ownership is no longer a necessity. People don't need guns, they want guns. But it is perfectly possible to allow people to maintain the vast majority of the enjoyment of gun ownership without allowing guns to flood the country.

America already has a vast network of shoot ranges and galleries. It would not take much money or effort to add gun vaults to those ranges. You can own a gun, but you are not allowed to take it home with you. Everyone can have their own locker in the gun vault to store their own personalized guns, and shoot them to their hearts content.

Armored cars used to transport cash could be employed to transport guns from range to range if the owner wishes to use them somewhere else.

You can have a similar system for hunters, where their rifles are stored at gun vaults built next to hotels and lodges in national parks. You check your gun out to go hunting in the park, and check it back in when you are done.

It is not at all hard to ban guns if there is but the political will to do so, and in a way that will not significantly disrupt the lives of gun lovers, certainly not more disruptive than smokers having to go outside for a smoke. Smokers got over that small inconvenience, there is no good reason gun owners cannot man up and do the same. And that is why the gun lobby has been so keen to keep even discussing the possibility of banning guns firmly off the table in defiance of the wishes of the vast majority of the American people.


The Capitalist
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Please. This statement is so absolutely out of touch with history that it boggles the mind. The worst? Economic bailouts and the occassional over-reach by executive orders not following the law (ie DOMA and Immigration)? Nothing even close to the "worst."

Remember Hitler, Stalin, Pot Pal, etc., etc. and mass round ups of citizens, open executipons, dragging people to death camps, gas chambers and work camps.

The worst has not been done, or anywhere close. And as long as almost 100 million Americans are armed with 300+ million firearms and billions of rounds of ammo, those "worst scenarios" will not happen.

The 2nd Amendmnet is an excellent defense against either national government going completely amuk, or against invasion as well. In either case, logistical lines will never be maintained when so many are armrd...and armed well, with tens of millions of trained "snipers" with high powered rifles, and with assault rifles.

In addition, it is also the absolute best defense against these types mass shootings. Here are some figures:

Time for a crazed criminal to kill 20 unarmed, massed together people: 30 seconds (plus or minus a few)
Time for average 911 Police response 7-9 Minutes
Time for a conceal carry or open carry individual to respond to a threat: 2-4 seconds.

You pick which one will provide the best potential for immediate defense.

Whenever these individual killers have been confronted by an individual carrying a firearm for defense, and one trained and willing to use it, the mass killings invariably stop with either the death, injury or apprension of the killer. Whether in a school in Tennessee when a teacher ran to his auto and retreived a weapon and stopped it, at a Mall in Utah when an off duty police officer who had a personal conceal carry permit stopped it, or at a church in Colorado where a conceal carry member of the church near the front door stopped the killer from entering the sanctuary...or in numerous other cases, the perps are stopped before the killer can turn their crime into a true mass murder.

That's why "gun free zones" are foolish. The criminals by definition will not obey those laws. Only the law abiding citizens will. This creates a target rich opportunity for the criminals...where they know others will not be apt to stop them. So they go there knowing they will have quite a few unfettered moments to do their terror.

The Israeli's, in the 1970s faced (for the initial time) terrorists who attacked their schools and killed young children there. The Israelis responded by arming the teachers and those types of attacks quickly ended. To this day you will see Israeli teachers aremd in the classroom and when they take kids out on field trips.

In Texas they are already passing laws to allow teachers to be armed. Not forcing it, but jusyt allowing those who desire to be trained and armed. We are petitioning our representatives in Idaho right now to do the same.

It is clearly the best way to respond if you expect to stop crazed individuals intent on a killing spree.

By definition they will disobey the 1000 ft laws, the registration laws, the banning laws, and any others.

Trying to take crime off the streets by banning something simply does not work. Look at prohibition of alcohol. Expecting it to somehow work with guns is simply foolhardy at best...and a willful pursuit of a very far left agenda to disarm the citizenry at worst.

Jeff, I realise that this is going massively off topic, but: why would anyone bother with Concentration camps, Round Ups and Killings Fields? Your Government has discovered it can take everything it wants and needs from you without doing any these things and do so with impunity. This is not a bail out of banks, this is a bail out of bankers. This bailout keeps the criminals that "lost" the collected wealth of western civilisation, in their jobs, with all their power and personal wealth without any sanction whatsoever. More than that, they have successfully introduced a new lexicon to describe it "Too Big to Fail". What that means Jeff is that having managed to do it once and get away with it, they can; with confidence, come back a little later for a second helping, all at everybody else's expense and this time it will be easier because the precedent has already been set.

I dare say you may well feel that this is something that has not unduly touched you. Maybe you feel you had a good crash and managed to get out of it OK. Well I say to you that this is nowhere near finished, this whole business is a train wreck in slow motion and it just hasn't reached your carriage yet!

By the time you guys realise just what exactly is being done to you, it will be far too late. Not only will the horse have bolted but those responsible will have dismantled the stable and sold off the timber!

In short if you are only looking for malgovernence in forms from previous centuries or only really applicable to very undeveloped countries, you will fail to notice that such malgovernance evolves along with every thing else and manifests in the most appropriate form for the time and conditions in which in lives. In other words you will be staring into hills when you should be looking right under your nose. Under those conditions your 300 million firearms will do nothing to protect you and if by the time you bring them out, its because they are the only thing anyone has left..........well!

On the other note, can anyone post a link to any event where armed citizens prevented a serious crime being committed in a public place?


Lieutenant General
Please. This statement is so absolutely out of touch with history that it boggles the mind. The worst? Economic bailouts and the occassional over-reach by executive orders not following the law (ie DOMA and Immigration)? Nothing even close to the "worst."

Remember Hitler, Stalin, Pot Pal, etc., etc. and mass round ups of citizens, open executipons, dragging people to death camps, gas chambers and work camps.

Oh please, jumping off the deep end does not help to advance your argument. The very fact you had to reach to Hitler to come up with a defense of your position is a good indication of how flimsy your position is. Would you really have got the ball rolling with Hitler if you had better arguments to defend gun ownership?

The worst has not been done, or anywhere close. And as long as almost 100 million Americans are armed with 300+ million firearms and billions of rounds of ammo, those "worst scenarios" will not happen.

The 2nd Amendmnet is an excellent defense against either national government going completely amuk, or against invasion as well. In either case, logistical lines will never be maintained when so many are armrd...and armed well, with tens of millions of trained "snipers" with high powered rifles, and with assault rifles.

Afghanistan and Iraq was awash with guns and ammo before 9/11. How did those guns and ammo do in stopping it being completely overrun by the American military?

If America was hell bent on setting up death camps and exterminating the local population, do you honestly think the Afghans or Iraqis would have had any chance whatsoever in stopping that with their AKs?

If Hilter or Pal Pot invaded America tomorrow, they can snuff out all resistance far faster than you would ever dreamed was possible through unimaginable cruelty and brutality.

If Hitler decreed that a thousand American civilians be executed for every Nazi killed by Americans unless the killer was turned over, and actually followed through with the threat, you would be amazed at how quickly good people turn on resistance fighters to save their own families. And I am not talking about pure theoreticals, the Japanese implemented a similar policy when they occupied Korea and China, and it was sickeningly effective.

A strong national military is the only viable defense against the kinds of horrors and evil you are suggesting. It was no accident that the Nazis or Japanese were only truly defeated by armies, not resistance fighters.

The Americans are only having a hard time in Afghanistan today because for the most part, they follow rules and refuse to cross certain lines. Throw that line and those rules out the window, and America can pacify Afghanistan forever in a few short years with minimal casualties.

You cannot expect true evil like Hitler or Pal Pot to follow similar rules and that is why guns in private homes would be no defense against the kinds of horrors you suggest.

In addition, it is also the absolute best defense against these types mass shootings. Here are some figures:

Time for a crazed criminal to kill 20 unarmed, massed together people: 30 seconds (plus or minus a few)
Time for average 911 Police response 7-9 Minutes
Time for a conceal carry or open carry individual to respond to a threat: 2-4 seconds.

You pick which one will provide the best potential for immediate defense.

Firstly, those figures are made up.

And of course, no innocent bystander has ever been killed by stray bullets from wannabe Rambos.

It is perhaps telling that it is very hard to come by reliable statistics on the number of innocent bystanders killed or injured by CCW holders, or indeed CCW holders killed by their own weapons.

The very idea of a conceal carry permit seems self-contradictory.

If as the argument goes that carrying a firearm is supposed to deter crime, they why in the world would you want to conceal the fact that you are carrying? People should be displaying guns prominently and putting 'Gun on board' bumper stickers on their cars if that was the case.

Whenever these individual killers have been confronted by an individual carrying a firearm for defense, and one trained and willing to use it, the mass killings invariably stop with either the death, injury or apprension of the killer. Whether in a school in Tennessee when a teacher ran to his auto and retreived a weapon and stopped it, at a Mall in Utah when an off duty police officer who had a personal conceal carry permit stopped it, or at a church in Colorado where a conceal carry member of the church near the front door stopped the killer from entering the sanctuary...or in numerous other cases, the perps are stopped before the killer can turn their crime into a true mass murder.

If I could be bothered, I can find a boat load of examples where conceal carry holders had shot and killed innocent bystanders. What does that prove? Only that guns kill people.

The two despicable attacks on school children in America and China on the same day could not have been a more vivid and clear case study on the effect of gun ownership on the outcome. The two cases are remarkably similar, yet the outcomes could not have been more different. The biggest difference is that in one case, the nutter had guns, while in the other, the psycho did not.

When you bear in mind that as was the case with the Newton kill, when some crazy psycho sets off to commit mass murder, they often wear body armor and are armed to the teeth, go after vulnerable targets, and are often not untrained or unskilled themselves, and I really question just how much of a difference putting a gun in the hands of a teacher would had made.

Teachers with guns in schools is just an accident waiting to happen. I would take a trained armed guard over teachers with guns any day of the week.

That's why "gun free zones" are foolish. The criminals by definition will not obey those laws. Only the law abiding citizens will. This creates a target rich opportunity for the criminals...where they know others will not be apt to stop them. So they go there knowing they will have quite a few unfettered moments to do their terror.

Well if you make guns illegal and hard to get in the first place, the amount of harm evil people can do is massively reduced.

Guns are banned in the UK, and as you already pointed out, that does not stop criminals from getting a hold of guns, but because guns are illegal, they are hard to get hold of by all but organized criminal groups and gangs

For all the flaws and faults of organized crime and gangs, you can at least say that they are not in the business of mass murdering toddlers.

Even amongst organized crime and gang members, because of the illegal nature of guns, few of their number are truly well trained or proficient with a fire arm, never mind an ordinary nutter who might have bought a gun in a brown paper bag from someone. Without training and shooting experience, even if said person set off to commit mass murder, odds are he would not be proficient enough to cause the kind of mass casualties as we had seen with US mass shootings.

You yourself stressed how important it is for a CCW owner to have training, the same applies to any criminal who would wish to use guns. When fire arms are illegal, such people are denied the kind of training and practice needed to make them truly proficient even if they did manage to get a hold of a gun. That counts for a great deal.

The Israeli's, in the 1970s faced (for the initial time) terrorists who attacked their schools and killed young children there. The Israelis responded by arming the teachers and those types of attacks quickly ended. To this day you will see Israeli teachers aremd in the classroom and when they take kids out on field trips.

And the massive Israeli state security measures had nothing to do with this reduction in attacks on schools?

Arming teachers would only mean an attacker aimed for the teacher first. If schools are in serious danger, nothing beats a trained armed police guard at the gates.

In Texas they are already passing laws to allow teachers to be armed. Not forcing it, but jusyt allowing those who desire to be trained and armed. We are petitioning our representatives in Idaho right now to do the same.

That is the worst kind of knee jerk reaction to the tragedy in Newton, and one that is more likely to lead to more tragedies involving accidental discharge of fire arms or kids getting hold of guns.

Trying to take crime off the streets by banning something simply does not work. Look at prohibition of alcohol. Expecting it to somehow work with guns is simply foolhardy at best...and a willful pursuit of a very far left agenda to disarm the citizenry at worst.

Well, that is clearly not true. Just look at all the other countries right across the world that have successfully banned fire arms. There is a reason why these sorts of massed killings happen more often in America than the rest of the world combined.
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