GOP and President of 2012 - Who's your pick?

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Well I'm sure all folks here know some bits about what's going on in the US right now.
What are your thoughts towards GOP, who will pull through, and who's your pick if you're/can be a participating voter?

I think this will be a very interesting topic, so I hope this thread can stay. Regardless, please no bashing and killing(although since this one isn't about country vs country, I suppose it won't warrant that reaction).


Junior Member
Haha air, you are out of my prediction to INITIATE an US GOP thread, I mean, without political scheme to predict - but won't you be more concerned about Hong Kong's election than US's? - ok you may say "nah, either candidates matters none to the big picture.." but, my point - ain't US election the same?

OK I'll stop here. Good thing the SDF do not have (I suppose?) party games here like what common in yahoo news comments sections that constitutes the libertarian bash conservatives and elephant beat donkey's butt...


Yesterday or the day before someone asked for a president who is a ( Navy / Air Force ) pilot. Does one of the candidates qualify?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
^^ Rick Perry was a C-130 pilot with the USAF from 1972 until 1977...

However political discussion is not allowed in this forum. There are many other forums on line that you may discuss politics...

Political issues of any sort will not be discussed.


bd popeye super moderator
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