Browsing some random high-res pocket in North-central China, near some air base labelled as Gongmiaozi, and I came across some surprising air defence positions. Generally China has very few visible air defence sites and most of these are in the coastal quater of the country. But a few km east of Gongmiaozi there is an HQ-2 static site:
OK, one SAM site does not a highly defended area make... but what comes next is decidedly unusual for China; SHORAD emplacements:
The ramped revettments are typical of short-range air defence (SHORAD) positions, designed to both elevate the firing vehicle/radar and provide blast protection. There is no civilan explanation for these positions
There are some mines nearby, but what is there that deserves peace-time SHORAD protection?????

OK, one SAM site does not a highly defended area make... but what comes next is decidedly unusual for China; SHORAD emplacements:
The ramped revettments are typical of short-range air defence (SHORAD) positions, designed to both elevate the firing vehicle/radar and provide blast protection. There is no civilan explanation for these positions

There are some mines nearby, but what is there that deserves peace-time SHORAD protection?????