Future prospects of PAK-Chinese co-operation in fighter jets

Asad Shah

Just Hatched
Registered Member
China has alwayys been an ally of Pakistan and has sealed holes in Pakistans air force capabilty following an arms emabrgoe by US in the 90s.Chinese aircarft has been a viable option for PAF.Co-operation in JF-17 thunder has been a landmark in this regard.and now there are ongoing talks regarding purchase of Chinese J-10 aircraft.But wat are tyhe future prospects of co-operation among the friendly countries in air defense sector!!!


Junior Member
I think that cooperation between China and pakistan runs deeper than a single project (FC1 / JF17). But first let us see how FC1/JF17 does in the export market. If Pakistan is able to contribute in marketing this plane and make a success of it, then I am sure other projects based on partnership would follow.

Asad Shah

Just Hatched
Registered Member
as i said wat will be the possible future prospects of PAK-CHINA partneship.so we haev it here .a possible deal between pakistan and china for Y-8 AWACS aircraft.this is certainly a step forward


New Member
I feel the need for the F-17 to take off as far as exports is considered is also quite important and will more or less dictate the immediate future of further PAK-China joint development schemes particularly in regards to aircraft development. While I think the F-17 is a remarkable aircraft, I still have some reservations regarding the engine and its limitations(which is of Russian origin-im not a fan of Russian equipment particularly their engines and avionics)... I would have preferred a western derived engine or even had the Pakistanis bought out the old Atar engine program of France (mirage V engines despite being more than 25 yrs old but nonetheless easily upgradedable). Anyhow, in the foreseable future, there will be more such joint projects between Pakistan and China as for the most part such developments have proven to have a synergistic effect on the respective countries programs which is always a good thing.
Furthermore, Pakistan and CHina have a strong bonds and are time tested allies in all spheres be it economical, cultural, political and these bonds have become cemented over the past century. Furthermore, especially in the growing face of Indian hegemony and misguided regional ambitions against many unfortunate neighboors( Sri Lanka, Nepal,Bangladesh, Burma, Pakistan) China acts as a strong stabilizing force in Asia, something which is very important to Pakistan and it was China which came to PAKistans aid during the 65 and 71 war with spare parts and equipment while its other so called trusted allies (US/UK, western europe) to whom it signed defense pacts with placed Pakistan under embargoes and looked the other way while the then Soviet Union fast tracked orders to the Indians who already had a considerable numerical advantage and strategic depth vs its rival.


New Member
Pakistan is in a very difficult situation. They cant afford to match India plane for plane and ship for ship. At the same time, they cant acquire the latest generation Russian or Western Weapons for political reasons.

The twin seat naval strike JH-7 air frame might be a good point of future cooperation. If Western or near Western equivelant avionics could be added, the plane could serve as a cost effective deterrant to the Indian Navy and also be used for deep strike land missions. With luck, photo recon and Electronic Warfare variants can also be developed.

The only problem is that Pakistan needs cost effective and quality aircraft and I think this one has had developmental issues.


Junior Member
Pakistan is in a very difficult situation. They cant afford to match India plane for plane and ship for ship. At the same time, they cant acquire the latest generation Russian or Western Weapons for political reasons.

This is amusing indeed. Why do you think Pakistan needs to match India plane for plane and ship for ship? I think that Pakistan Military decision makers are more grown up than school children and matching India is not uppermost in their minds. Pakistan has a defensive war strategy and does not need quite as much as India, which apparently does NOT have a defensive war strategy.


New Member
This is amusing indeed. Why do you think Pakistan needs to match India plane for plane and ship for ship? I think that Pakistan Military decision makers are more grown up than school children and matching India is not uppermost in their minds. Pakistan has a defensive war strategy and does not need quite as much as India, which apparently does NOT have a defensive war strategy.


I should have said "cant match India weapon system for weapon system". This means that Pakistani planners must chose which weapon systems will be most effective for their needs and make more compromises along these lines than India does.

For example, I doubt Pakistan can afford cash wise or has the ability to acquire (political reasons) Advanced Sukhoi Strike Aircraft and Modern SSKs. Therefore, SSKs and a cheaper naval / deep strike aircraft might be a possibility.
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Just Hatched
Registered Member
A strong PAF is against the strategic plans of world powers. PAF will remain a substandard fighting force -- due to lack of equipment -- for next decade. Pakistan does not possess the Engineering expertise to produce a good fighter plane in mid future. That is why Pakistan will continue to rely on expensive missiles.


New Member
I personally think the PAF, like so many countries in the mid-east, are just pawns in a bigger game. There equipment might not be top of the line, but that's A-ok as long as their political strategies are up to match, which is what most small countries do.


Junior Member

I should have said "cant match India weapon system for weapon system". This means that Pakistani planners must chose which weapon systems will be most effective for their needs and make more compromises along these lines than India does.

For example, I doubt Pakistan can afford cash wise or has the ability to acquire (political reasons) Advanced Sukhoi Strike Aircraft and Modern SSKs. Therefore, SSKs and a cheaper naval / deep strike aircraft might be a possibility.
Affordability may not be a constraint as Pakistan is getting many weapon systems virtually free of cost from USA, as a kind of compensation for its cooperation on war on terror. Block 52 F-16s, Hawkeyes, Cobra helicopters, and M-109 howitzers are some of the systems to be given to Pakistan under this scheme.

Only PN has not been a beneficiary of US assistance like PA and PAF have. Even then, IN's submarine fleet is not as proportionately larger than it should have been considering PN's submarine fleet.
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