Now normally I wouldn't use as a source about historical knowledge, but this article is a fascinating read and references several sources.
The most fascinating thing I took away from that article is this: the European Civilization in the Americas was founded on the remains of a post-apocalyptic Native American civilization!
I've never known before that the Americas were densely populated before the arrival of the Columbus expedition, but it does explain quite a few things.
For example, the Vikings, the fiercest warriors of Europe, got their butts kicked when they tried to settle in North America. How, then, did 16th and 17th century Europeans, when firearms weren't all that more effective than archery, manage to wipe out the Natives?
Apparently, the Europeans brought over a plague that wiped out over 90% of the Native population. 90%! That's truly post-apocalyptic stuff right there!
So the Sioux, Cheyenne, Lakotans, Mohawks and Iroquois... those fierce tribes weren't the real Native civilizations of North America. Those were the surviving remnants of a civilization wiped out by an apocalyptic event!
The article raises another good point. American settlers tend to have a strangely frequent number of doomsday cults. Could this be the echoes of the actual doomsday experienced by the Natives?