Eurosatory 2008


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Eurocopter Showcases a State-of the-Art Products at EUROSATORY 2008
Eurocopter | Jun 17, 2008

PARIS-EUROSATORY 2008: Eurocopter, the world’s leading helicopter manufacturer, highlights once again its wide range of multipurpose products well adapted to the increasingly complex homeland security and defence missions faced by our governmental customers today.

This year, the company will be displaying its state-of-the-art military helicopters, the Tiger combat helicopter and NH90 tactical transport helicopter, both of which are in service with several European nations as well as Australia.

The Tiger, of which 206 units have been ordered, is currently under delivery to Germany, France, Australia and Spain. Its platform specially designed to integrate a wide variety of weapon systems ensures that the Tiger is able to meet the military requirements specified by each customer. After a build-up phase in the training centres based in Le Luc in France and Oakey in Australia, the Tiger is now beginning its operational life in the various Army Aviation Corps, in order to be deployed overseas as soon as possible.

The NH90 is the biggest military helicopter programme ever launched in Europe. The first four countries - France, Germany, Italy and The Netherlands - were quickly joined by other nations: Portugal, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Greece, the Sultanate of Oman, Australia, New Zealand, Spain and Belgium, which have all placed firm orders for the NH90. This amounts to 14 nations, with a total of 507 NH90s on order, an unparalleled success for a military helicopter programme, proof that the NH90 concept and design are perfectly adapted to the 21st century.

These two aircraft are joined by the EC120 - the lightest single-engine helicopter in Eurocopter’s range – destined primarily for training missions. In 2008, 36 units of the EC120 were ordered for the training school in DAX to train pilots from all the various military corps in France.

On Eurocopter’s stand (A350) will be featured 5 helicopter mock-ups, namely the AS550 EC135, EC145, AS565 and EC725.

The AS550, known as the Fennec, is a high performance single-engine helicopter mainly used for light fire support and escort roles. This helicopter, derived from the Ecureuil B3, is especially designed for high and hot environment. It is currently being operated in Oman and the UAE. First units will be delivered to Pakistan at the end of 2008.

Among the light twin-engine aircraft, the newly improved EC135 stands out as the most widely used helicopter in parapublic services. The French Customs have recently replaced their fleet of AS355 F2 by 5 EC135 for maritime surveillance in the English Channel, the North and the Mediterranean Seas. In fall this year, the French Gendarmerie will also receive the first of the 12 EC135 ordered (plus 25 in option) to fulfill police missions.

In December 2007, the fleet of EC135/EC635 in service worldwide clocked up 1 million flight hours. With a strong footprint on all continents, more than half of the 615 EC135/EC635 helicopters in the world today can be found in Europe followed by North and South America. In terms of missions, the 2 main operations for the EC135/EC635 fleet are EMS (Emergency Medical Service) (49%) and Police (24%) missions.

The EC145, another light twin-engine helicopter, is the obvious choice to meet the demands of customers requiring a modern and spacious high-performance medium helicopter. In 2006, under the name UH72A Lakota, it won Eurocopter its first major contract on the American military market, with an order of up to 322 helicopters. In France, the Sécurité Civile is a major customer with a fleet of 30 EC145 clocking up more than 60 000 hours. No later than last December, 5 additional units (3 firm and 2 options) were ordered by the DGA (Délégation Générale pour l’Armement) to be operated by the Sécuité Civile from January 2009. The French Gendarmerie has also logged more than 15 000 hours on its fleet of EC 145 helicopters, a fleet which will reach as many as15 helicopters.

The AS565 Panther is a medium twin-engine helicopter designed to be operated all weather from ships and from ashore. From the proven Dauphin family, the Panther is able to cover a large number of naval missions such as maritime surveillance, SAR (Search and Rescue) operations, casualty evacuation etc. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, the Panther is the most effective platform for 24 hour SAR operations. Renowned for its cost effectiveness, the Panther is a main asset for the US Coast Guards and is perfectly adapted to Navies and Coast Guard requirements.

The military SAR combat version of the EC725 continues to deliver an outstanding performance in the most sensitive theaters of operation. The French Armed Forces operate a total of 14 of these highly capable 11 ton class helicopters, with six serving the Air Force and eight with the Special Operations Detachment Unit (DAOS) of the French Army Air Corps (ALAT). The French Air Force is deploying some of its EC725s in Combat Search and Rescue (C-SAR) missions in hostile environments like Afghanistan to support the coalition forces, where it has proven to be an invaluable asset.

In order to ensure the maintenance of such a wide range of products, Eurocopter is constantly improving its portfolio of services in order to support its customers worldwide. The Group’s efforts no longer exclusively focus on product performance, but aim at establishing long-lasting contracts with customers, ensuring regular upgrades as well as a high availability and overall performance. Therefore, Eurocopter proposes today extensive global offer solutions in close cooperation with its customers. This collaborative concept enables the customers to concentrate on their operations, while Eurocopter takes care of all support activities.

Established in 1992, the Franco-German-Spanish Eurocopter Group is a Division of EADS, a world leader in aerospace, defence and related services. The Eurocopter Group employs approx. 14,000 people. In 2007, Eurocopter confirmed its position as the world’s No. 1 helicopter manufacturer in the civil and parapublic market, with a turnover exceeding 4 billion Euros, orders for 802 new helicopters, and a 53 percent market share in the civil and parapublic sectors.


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Elta Shows Ultra-fast EO Gunshot Detectors, Unattended Ground Sensors

IAI/Elta is showing a new range of unattended ground sensors and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) based sensors based on the EL/L-8293 Transient Event Detection (TED) developed by a new subsidiary called OptigO and the EL/I-6001 UGSN is a modular network of autonomous distributed sensors including seismic, acoustic, electro-optical sensors and miniature ground surveillance radars.

The new network is part of Israel Aerospace Industries' product offering for the evolving requirements for improving forward operating bases, force protection, and border security. Among these are security systems based a range of autonomous, unmanned ground vehicles, systems developed under collaboration with Elbit Systems, at the G-NIUS Unmanned Ground Vehicles company.

IAI/Elta is showing a new range of unattended ground sensors and Short-Wave Infrared (SWIR) based sensors based on the EL/L-8293 Transient Event Detection (TED) developed by a new subsidiary called OptigO. TED operates as a persistent, day and night, multi-wave Infra-Red electro-optical(E/O) surveillance system designed to effectively detect IR transients over a wide field of view. The new device is capable of automatically detecting enemy gunshot by azimuth and elevation, covering a large area within a wide field of regard (FOR), enabling fast and effective response toward the gunshot source. TED is confugured as a lightweigt soldier portable or vehicle mounted device, It can operate effectively in open areas, urban areas, quiet or noisy environments, stationary or on-the-move. TED can also be associated as part of the EL/I-6001 Unattended Ground Sensors Network (USGN) developed by Elta Systems.

Elta's new UGSN is a modular network of autonomous distributed sensors including seismic, acoustic, electro-optical sensors and miniature ground surveillance radars. Each sensor includes a sensitive microphone, for acoustic detection, a geophone picking up seismic vibration from nearby movement, a GPS receiver, communications transceiver and low-power controller and signal processor.

The sensor can pick up moving heavy vehicles (such as tanks) from a distance of 500 meters and walking humans from 50 meters. The UGS can be configured with high capacity power module for extended use (four weeks), or in a miniature casing, for short missions (7 days). Surveillance data is transmitted wirelessly, through self-forming network to te ground command and control center. The UGS can be located in any area for monitoring the area of interest for an extended period of time. The sensors can operate autonomously or in combination, optimizing area coverage, and facilitating target detection, classification. Add-on electro-optical sensors such as TED based passive, uncooled thermal sensors, can be added. While TEDs are maintained in power saving 'sleep mode', they automatically designated by the UGS to perform target recognition and identification





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Rafael Expands Air and Missile Defense Family of Weapons

Rafael Advanced Defense Systems is promoting a range of state-of-the-art air & missiles defense systems under development at its missiles & Net Centric Warfare (NCW) division. The company is currently working on four major programs, addressing low-level, short and medium range air defense systems and counter rocket, artillery and missiles (C-RAM) systems and two parallel programs offering medium and extended range, anti-aircraft and missile intercepting capabilities. India has become one of the key markets for Israel's air defense systems. India selected the Spyder short range air defense system, utilizing ground launched versions of Python 5 and Derby – two of the latest versions of Rafael's air/air missiles.
The company is developing two missile/rocket interceptors, the multi-stage Stunner, a high performance missile interceptor, designed to intercept medium range missiles and rockets, at ranges of 70 – 200 km, and the Tamir, a low-cost rocket interceptor, developed to counter ballistic threats such as short range rockets, mortars and artillery. Critical elements of both missiles were already tested, with first demonstrations of a full intercept planned later this year, anticipation for fielding within 24 months.

The design of the Tamir interceptor follows a unique 'design to cost' approach, targeting low cost of ownership and cost per kill, by offering robust, field deployable system based on commercial off the shelf elements, and mission accomplishment by providing redundancy, high availability and mutual coverage of a defended footprint. While the interceptor is equipped with a sophisticated seeker and warhead, and is autonomously seeking its target, the 'brain' of the system is centralized in the command, control and battle management centers offering maximum utilization of available assets.

Stunner, developed under a joint U.S. – Israeli program led by Rafael, partnering with Raytheon, uses a multi-pulse rocket motor, agile steering systems and combined dual seeker, providing high sensitivity under all weather conditions and immunity to deception and countermeasures. The missile uses an effective 'hit-to-kill' mechanism combining maneuverability to optimize the performance of the dual-band terminal seeker, thus reducing system's cost. Using a 'fire and forget' operating concept, Stunners will be able to engage targets along threat trajectories, requiring minimal cueing from sensor resources, ensuring high rate of fire, even during saturation attacks. Further optimizing the Stunner system's performance, the missile's in-flight update will provide real-time retargeting. These elements are particularly important to provide Stunner with clear overmatch on any threat, specifically in complex, hit-to-kill endgame.




The missile will utilize a booster designed by ATK, a multi-mode seeker and multi-pulse rocket motor, developed by RAFAEL. The system could rely on the IAI/Elta Green Pine missile warning radar or the company's new Multi-Mission Radar (MMR), which is also considered for the short-range rocket defense system, also developed by Rafael. The missiles could be used as 'stand alone' systems, using canister, rail launchers or rely on Patriot units, using common container/launchers and battle management systems. By integrating with existing air defenses, Stunner will be able to dramatically improve the survivability of air and missile defense systems, protecting strategic facilities from attacks by short or medium range ballistic missiles and minimize collateral damage from debris. In addition to the development of the Stunner, Rafael is also a subcontractor for IAI for the development of the missile interceptor of the Barak 8 system.

Rafael is also a subcontractor for IAI for the development of the Barak 8 missile.
"We see a growing demand for air defense systems in many of the world's markets" Rafael's VP Marketing, Lova Drori told Show News. "The requirements are also changing, from static defense to the protection of large, strategic regions; air defense is evolving from anti-aircraft requirement to a more universal protection from 'anything coming from the air', addressing missiles, guided weapons and unmanned vehicles of different types." Rafael is well positioned to address this change, with a wide range of in-house technologies, including rocket propulsion, warheads, navigation and homing techniques, sensors and electronics.


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Tadiran Introduces SDR-7200 Software Defined Tactical Radio

Elbit Systems Land and C4I – Tadiran is introducing two new radio systems at Eurosatory 2008, the company will unveil its future Software Defined Radio design, dubbed SDR-7200 and the latest family of high frequency (HF) radios, called THF-8000. The SDR-7200 is undergoing development for the Israel Defense Forces for the past two years. early versions of this new-generation software defined radio are currently operational with the IDF and now being offered to overseas customers.

The new radio SDR-7200 can transfer voice and data simultaneously on a single tactical channel of (25 Kbps) therefore maintaining backward compatibility with current combat net radios, while addressing the diverse needs of both tactical and strategic echelons. The new radio employs TDMA technology for more efficient use of communications channels, utilizing this method, SDR-7200supports data transfer rates up to 115.2 kbps, facilitating live video transmission over the tactical net, when required.

For higher bandwidth requirements the SDR-7200 supports data communication of several Mbps, utiizing multiple bands, supported by strong error correction algorithms and self-healing ad hoc networking. Additionally the algorithm ensures no single point of failure across the network. Additionally a single radio is capable of working on more than one network simultaneously, thus reducing the number of radios required in vehicles and enabling reduction in both weight and volumetric space. Remote IP interface means the radio can be optimally located inside the vehicle, aircraft or surface vessel, as it only needs to be accessible for routine maintenance.

The THF-800 is also unveiled here. These radios are offered in man pack configuration (PRC) and Vehicular Configuration (VRC).



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guardium ugv

Guardium autonomous observation and target intercept system was developed by G-NIUS Autonomous Unmanned Ground Vehicles joint venture company established by Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems. The Guardium system employs autonomous unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) which can be operated from a command center, carry out routine patrols and quickly respond to evolving emergencies. They can suppress suspicious elements close to the perimeter, and hold them back until manned security forces arrive, or use various forceful means to eliminate the threat, if applicable.


The Guardium UGV uses the TomCar chassis. The vehicle is equipped with an automated tactical positioning system and can operate autonomously on and off road, at speeds up to 80 km/h. The vehicle can carry a payload of up to 300 kg, including light armor shield to protect vital systems. The UGV can carry a wide variety of sensors, including video and thermal cameras, with auto-target acquisition and capture, sensitive microphone, powerful loudspeakers and two way radio. The vehicle can also be equipped with lethal or less than lethal weapons which can be directed and operated from the Main Control Center (MCC). A fleet of Guardium vehicles can be used as sentries, controlled from the MCC, from where they are launched on routine patrols, ambushes or operating in response to events received from an early warning or perimeter defense system. The MCC is also provided with automatic tactical area definition, by terrain, doctrine and intelligence, which assist in preparation of the operational planning and programming for USVs. Each USV can also be manually controlled by remote control.

Following a successful evaluation in 2005 Guardium was selected by the Israel Defense Forces to operate as part of the border security operations. By May 2008 the IDF received the first batch of Guardium UGVs scheduled to enter fully operational service along the countrie's borders by the year's end. In 2008 Israel's Airport Authority conducted an evaluation of the system as part of possible integration of an autonomous UGV as part of its airport security system.



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KMW, Rhenmetall Defence to Launch New Armored Vehicle Families at Eurosatory

Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) has also teamed with Rheinmetall Defence of Düsseldorf to launch a new class of armored multi-purpose vehicle family weighing 5 – 9 tons. The first of the four-wheel drive Armored Multi Purpose Vehicle (AMPV) vehicles should be ready for serial delivery by 2011. Completion of the first prototype is planned for 2009. The companies are planning to launch the new vehicles at the Eurosatory defense exhibition next month.


While the Bundeswehr’s current GFF (“protected command and role-specific vehicle”) is being addressed by heavier vehicles, the companies decided to develop a GFF 1/2-class to address evolving requirements. Development costs are being shared by the two partners.

The AMPV vehicle family will encompass two type series - an agile AMPV 1 will be the smaller of the two, proposed as a well protected liaison vehicle. A higher level of protection and a heavier payload are the primary characteristics of the bigger AMPV 2. The AMPV1 and AMPV2 are both extremely compact, and differ only slightly in height, length and wheelbase. The entire vehicle family will be based on standardized engineering principles and technologies. Both type series will also have patrol vehicle configuration, a utility version with an unprotected floor in the rear section, and an equipment kit carrier with a safety cell extending all the way to the rear of the vehicle. Also planned is a special patrol version of the AMPV1 that can be airlifted in a CH53 transport helicopter.

The crew compartment will comprise a highly protected vehicle cell configured as an autonomous armored steel structure with a spoor liner. Reinforced undercarriage and reinforced cell structure will enhance protection against landmines and IEDs. Add-on armor modules could be added, to meet higher ballistic protection requirements. All vehicles in the AMPV family consist largely of identical components; the workstations in the fighting compartment are also identical, ensuring uniform operation. The advantages in terms of simplified logistics and training are readily evident.

The vehicle will receive a high-performance running gear, independent wheel suspension and spring deflection and run-flat tires assuring high performance on and off-road and continued mobility even in critical situations; it will maintain high ground clearance to improve cross-country and cross-obstacle mobility. The vehicle will be powered by a 3.2-liter diesel engine with an output of around 200 kW. It will have a permanent four-wheel drive as well as automatic transmission and automatic differential lock management, relieving the strain on the driver.

At the recent ILA 2008 aerospace exhibition Krauss-Maffei Wegmann unveiled a new family of modular scalable tactical vehicles based on the FENNEK armoured reconnaissance vehicle. The generic platform Future FENNEK Technology (GP-F²T). The new Family of Vehicles (FOV) is offered to the German armed forces (Bundeswehr) and international customers.



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Introduced by IMI as a proof of concept vehicle, the development of the Wildcat continues with the promise to introduce the worlds first RPG protected wheeled vehicle. In 2006 the vehicle's configuration changed to reflect the evolving requirements for a versatile urban warfare combat vehicle. IMI based its platform on the Czech built Tatra 4x4 platforms, providing excellent cross-country and road mobility. In late 2007 the Wildcat 'Alpha' prototype went through a series of mobility tests held in Israel, demonstrating excellent cross-country mobility, as well as unpaved road mobility. Wildcat was designed to meet current USMC specifications for a medium weight personnel carrier (MPC). In early 2008 the Wildcat went through a US Marine Corps evaluation in the USA. The vehicle is scheduled to make its public debut at the Eurosatory 2008 exhibition in Paris, June 2008. (More...)

The WildCat is powered by water cooled, turbocharged 321 HP EPA 2004 compliant diesel engine (Cummins ISLe+325) coupled with an automatic 6 speed transmission (Allison model 3066P). The chassis uses TATRA's unique backbone tube and swing axle Independent suspension offering excellent cross country mobility and improved crew comfort, provided by the independent suspension and high ground clearance of 367mm (adjustable). At a maximum gross weight of 15 tons, the WildCat will be able to travel up to 700km on road, and retain full cross country and obstacle handling capabilities.

The WildCat will be designed as a family of armored vehicles, introducing several variants, all using a single chassis, an integrated welded monocoque hull accommodating 12 fully equipped crew members, offering counter-mine, small-arms and IED protection (STANAG 4569 Level 2a and 3b). The levels of protection will be provided. The vehicle is designed with multiple accesses in the sides, top and rear (full width ramp) enabling flexible mount/dismount for troops and equipment, eliminating the need to expose troops to enemy fire. The Wildcat is equipped with run-flat tires, central tire inflation system CTIS), NBC protection and automatic fire extinguishing systems.

The basic protection level, common to all Wildcat configurations will meet STANAG 4569 Level 3 (small arms bullet-proof armor). The vehicle is designed for C-130 and A-400M air transportability. An up-armored version, equipped with hybrid armor suite will meet STANAG 4569 Level 4 using passive lightweight armor based on IMI's 'Iron Wall' counter IED design. Battle damaged modules are designed to be field replaceable by the forward support elements, and unlike larger and heavier armor plates, do not require the use of heavy lifting equipment. This armor can be augmented with a hybrid armor suite, using IMI's explosive reactive armor (ERA) specially designed for thin armored vehicles, to protect against shaped charge attacks including RPG. (Such Kit B armor protection is depicted in the artist concept drawing below)

Some of the variants will include an infantry carrier carrying 11 passengers - 3 crewmen and 8 troops seated in protected seating compartments; a police/border patrol vehicle will be designed for low intensity warfare and general security tasks. A scout and combat support vehicle is also planned, utilizing a reduced fighting compartment and open deck for equipment and mounting of external equipment. Reconnaissance and command and control versions will be optimized for carrying and operating of electronics equipment, while combat service support vehicles, including ambulance, recovery and logistics will be modeled with installations and interior design for each of these specific roles.

The photos on this page depict the Wildcat equipped with the Kit A armor, providing bullet proof, counter mine and counter IED protection, based on IMI's 'Iron Wall' counter IED protection modules. The Wildcat is provided with three access ports two ramps - on the side and rear and a cabin door on the right. The crew compartment and front cabin also connected, offer comfortable movement fore and aft. Other access ports include multiple armored hatches on the deck. The vehicle also has side and elevated windows, to provide the vehicle's crew with unobstructed view and improved situational awareness in open area as well as in dense urban environment. This vehicle is designed for medium protection level (STANAG 4586 level 4). It is also fitted with eight firing ports (three to each side and two at the rear). When fully configured, the Wildcat will also mount a remotely controlled weapon station.








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Hatehof Unveils the Xtream
High Mobility Armored Vehicle


Hatehof, a specialist vehicle designer and manufacturer from Israel is introducing a range of highly protected vehicles at Eurosatory. The company is already producing the latest wheeled armored vehicle operated by the Israel Defense Forces – the 8.6 ton Wolf, under cooperation with Rafael. The heavy version of the Xtream is powered by a Cummins ISBE 275 turbo diesel engine coupled to an Allison 3000 automatic transmission and Axeltech transfer case. high mobility all terrain vehicle, capable of fording 1.1 meters of water, negotiating 36° side slopes and 60% gradient.

It is designed to carry 8 soldiers. It comes in a 9 or 16 ton configurations, the heavier is protected to STANAG 3, 4 and anti-RPG protection levels. Xtream is equipped with front and rear steering, offering a turning radius of only 6.4 meters, uncommon for vehicles of this weight class. The vehicle weighs 11,300 kg designed to provide protection level of STANAG 3. Adding 2.5 tons more, the Xtream can be protected with reactive tiles, against RPGs, and still carry over two tons of useful payload. Xtream is provided in medium and 'light', air mobile and semi-amphibious vehicles. The lighter version weighs 9200 kg (GVW), and carries a payload of 2,750 kg. Its protection level is lower, but mobility is improved, particularly turning radius (5.1 meters with front and aft steering activated) and 38° side slope negotiation capability. It is powered by a Cummins 6.7 liter diesel coupled to a 6 gear automatic transmission and Magna power train.

The new vehicle family was designed to meet specific requirements for highly protected high mobility vehicle. The heaviest design is the Navigator, a highly protected troop transporter capable of carrying a complete marine squad (up to 15 combatants in rows or 12 soldiers seated face to face, plus a crew of three seated in front), offering high off-road mobility and urban maneuverability. At a gross vehicle weight of 16 tons, Navigator is designed to carry up to four tons. The vehicle is powered by Cummins 275 or 350 engines. A highly protected mid-size vehicle from Hatechof is the Typhoon 4x4 vehicle, a 14 ton 13 man troop carrier designed with a modular armor to meet different threat levels. The vehicle is designed with V shaped hull. It uses a Steyr Austria WD 615.56 engine.

It is designed to carry 8 soldiers. It comes in a 9 or 16 ton configurations, the heavier is protected to STANAG 3, 4 and anti-RPG protection levels. Xtream is equipped with front and rear steering, offering a turning radius of only 6.4 meters, uncommon for vehicles of this weight class. The vehicle weighs 11,300 kg designed to provide protection level of STANAG 3. Adding 2.5 tons more, the Xtream can be protected with reactive tiles, against RPGs, and still carry over two tons of useful payload. Xtream is provided in medium and 'light', air mobile and semi-amphibious vehicles. The lighter version weighs 9200 kg (GVW), and carries a payload of 2,750 kg. Its protection level is lower, but mobility is improved, particularly turning radius (5.1 meters with front and aft steering activated) and 38° side slope negotiation capability. It is powered by a Cummins 6.7 liter diesel coupled to a 6 gear automatic transmission and Magna power train.

The new vehicle family was designed to meet specific requirements for highly protected high mobility vehicle. The heaviest design is the Navigator, a highly protected troop transporter capable of carrying a complete marine squad (up to 15 combatants in rows or 12 soldiers seated face to face, plus a crew of three seated in front), offering high off-road mobility and urban maneuverability. At a gross vehicle weight of 16 tons, Navigator is designed to carry up to four tons. The vehicle is powered by Cummins 275 or 350 engines. A highly protected mid-size vehicle from Hatechof is the Typhoon 4x4 vehicle, a 14 ton 13 man troop carrier designed with a modular armor to meet different threat levels. The vehicle is designed with V shaped hull. It uses a Steyr Austria WD 615.56 engine.


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Renault Unveil a new Line of Armored Vehicles

Renault AMC 6x6 vehicle is a 20 ton class multi-purpose armored vehicle designed as a troop and weapon carrier (mortar, gun), support and reconnaissance vehicle. At a combat gross weight of 18 – 23 tons, the AMC can carry net payload of 6.5 to 10.5 tons, depending on configuration. The vehicle is powered by a 370 hp engine which can be uprated up to 460 hp diesel (Euro 4/5 standard) coupled to an automatic transmission. Utillizing an overhead gun position, the fighting compartment is fully available for seating accommodation and combat load for eight soldiers. Modular protection levels can be applied on the basic hull which provides basic ballistic and mine protection. Additional armor can improve the protection from anti-tank weapons, IEDs, RPGs and EFP.





With massive US deployment of heavily armored Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles in Iraq and Afghanistan, MRAP is becoming a popular class of armored vehicle, attracting new designs from many automotive systems designers worldwide.

A new design shown here for the first time is the Renault MRAP, ranging a number of vehicles in the 15 /22 ton class. The Renault MRAP is powered by the 320 hp Euro 4/5 engine, traveling on road at a maximum speed of 90 km/h. The vehicle is designed with a V shaped hull, has an integral high level of protection against ballistic, mines and IEDs. The vehicle is coming in 10 and 12 seat configurations.

Renault also unveiled a heavily armored version of the Sherpa 3A HI (High Intensity) 4x4 vehicle designed for reconnaissance and liaison missions. Based on the Sherpa 3 platform, the armored HI version can carry a useful mission payload of 1.5 tons, at a gross vehicle weight of 10.5 tons. It is powered by a Renault 215 hp Euro 4/5 engine and automatic transmission, accelerating this armored beast to a maximum road speed of 120 km/h. At Eurosatory Renault demonstrated the vehicle with remotely controlled overhead weapon station, further enhancing crew protection.



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KMW Unveils Enhanced Fennek Recce Vehicle Platform

At Eurosatory 2008 KMW unveiled the GP-F2T prototype, carrying the Fennek platform into a modular, scalable design. GP-F2T is a generic, flexible platform which could be tailored to different missions. Accommodating a wider variety of mission payloads, the GP-F2T can be designed with a larger crew and payload compartment, and elevating mast. It is fitted with two engines (fore and aft location) separately powering the front and rear axels, offering dual redundant propulsion and automotive system and better maneuverability and cross-country mobility. The dual engine configuration provides engine output of over 20 kW per ton vehicle weight allowing the vehicle to negotiate 60% forward slopes and up to 30 percent side slopes, traveling over 1,000 km range. This air-transportable vehicle is designed to be self sufficient on an independent mission for up to five days.
