For all those who read military forums, articles, newspaper and magazine that contain abbreviations to shorten a description of a military meaning, here is what it means if you have no clue. Feel free to add on to the list:
a2a: air to air
a2g: air to ground
a2s: air to surface
sam: surface air missle
lacm:land attack cruise missle
flir: forward looking infrared
aam: air to air missle
bvraam: beyond visual range air to air missle
sraam: short range air to air missle
icbm: inter continental ballisitic missle
hud: heads up display
fbw: fly by wire
hotas: hands on throttle and stick
hms: helmet mounted sight
asm: anti ship missle
ecm: electronic counter measure
a2a: air to air
a2g: air to ground
a2s: air to surface
sam: surface air missle
lacm:land attack cruise missle
flir: forward looking infrared
aam: air to air missle
bvraam: beyond visual range air to air missle
sraam: short range air to air missle
icbm: inter continental ballisitic missle
hud: heads up display
fbw: fly by wire
hotas: hands on throttle and stick
hms: helmet mounted sight
asm: anti ship missle
ecm: electronic counter measure