Dummies Guide to Military Abbreviations


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For all those who read military forums, articles, newspaper and magazine that contain abbreviations to shorten a description of a military meaning, here is what it means if you have no clue. Feel free to add on to the list:

a2a: air to air
a2g: air to ground
a2s: air to surface
sam: surface air missle
lacm:land attack cruise missle
flir: forward looking infrared
aam: air to air missle
bvraam: beyond visual range air to air missle
sraam: short range air to air missle
icbm: inter continental ballisitic missle
hud: heads up display
fbw: fly by wire
hotas: hands on throttle and stick
hms: helmet mounted sight
asm: anti ship missle
ecm: electronic counter measure


Junior Member
HE: High-explosive
AP: Armor-piercing
APDS: Armour-piercing, discarding-sabot
APFSDS: Armour-piercing, fin-stabilized, discarding-sabot
HEAT: High-explosive, anti-tank
BM- ballistic missile
TBM- theatre ballistic missile
SRBM- short-ranged ballistic missile
MRBM- medium-ranged ballistic missile
IRBM- intermediate-range ballistic missile
SLBM- submarine-launched ballistic missile
SLCM- submarine-launched cruise missile
ALCM- air-launched cruise missile
SLAM- supersonic low-altitude missile
AShM- anti-shipping missile
ASROC- anti submarine rocket
MLRS- multiple-launch rocket system
SPA/G- self-propeled artillery/gun
CIWS- close-in weapons systems
MANPADS- man portable air defense system
CAP- combat air patrol
CAS- close air support
AI- air interdiction
TOT- time on target
ASW- ant-submarine warfare
AESA- active electronically scanned array
PESA- passive electronically scanned array
IRST- infra-red search and track
OLS- optical laser sensor
MUD- multi-function display
EW- electronic warfare
AEW- airborne early warning
AWACS- airborne warning and control system
ASAT- anti-sattelite
CI- counter-intelligence
COIN- counter-insurgency
C4- command, control, communications, and computation
SDI- strategic defense initiative
THAAD- Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
ABM- anti-ballistic missile