Does US missile system dwarf Chinese ICBM forces ?

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first of all, we should assume ( big ???) that US missile system will work, let's say in 2012.

China will face a far more daunting challenge. The US missile system threatens to simply wipe out the Chinese strategic capability. China will be virtually left with no alternative but to build up its nuclear forces by massive deployments of MIRV.

how many DF-31A and/or DF-41 and/or JL-2A China will have in 2012 to anticipate US missile system. I know China will take whatever the cost is to still have strategic capability against US.

I believe US missile system is the only reason why Russia will still keep about 100 SS-18x series


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can Chhina even develop MIRV technology let alone manuverable MIRV? China has not been able to fully develop it's nucelar capabilites since signing and abiding by the CTBT.

So far China has demonstrated the ability to launch micro-sats so she has the engineering basics easily enough. But warhead design is another matter. You have to be able to test them and thier yeilds. Nuclear weapon development among the declared nucelar powers is at a virtual standstill.


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look, I hate having threads like this, because it really turns into a penis contest in the end. And the usual actors will post the same stuff. If you are interested in it, there are threads like this in the general Chinese military forum. You can check there. Anyhow, I'm closing this thread.
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