:nonoeep Submersible SAM (DSS)
1 Sonar detectors in the bow, flank, and arm and another towed behind the tail.
2 Attachment/rotation balls to be used to rotate arms and tail for diving, surfacing and angular movements. Arms can rotate back and forth, up and down and also sideways to facilitate rolling movements. Tail can move all 360 degree in a circle to facilitate pitching (up/down, left/right, angular) and yawning movements.
3 Engines on arms and tail
4 Vents for diving and surfing.
5 Capacity of four SA missiles
6 Entrance hatch.
7 Thermal imaging and low light cameras to give a 360-degree view. Also includes satellite, radar and navigation services and a flare launcher.
8 Vertical stands to facilitate standing at the ocean depth. Allow knee movements from middle joint to stand even on an irregular service.
9 Exit hatch. Also used to release countermeasures.
10 Capacity of four missiles / torpedoes
11 State-of-the-art, high resolution, xenon technology, ultra-low-light rotating camera with flashlight on either side, for target acquisition/ designation and dark vision sensor, thermal and digital imaging, mapping, which enables to navigate and conduct precision strikes.
12 Multi function phased array radar to track air and surface targets.
13 Engine arm attached to rotating ball.
14 Tail attached to rotating ball.
15 Phalanx CWIS.
To provide a low to medium range air defence capability in deep blue waters in large numbers other than frigates and destroyers.
· It needs to surface for air defence operations.
· Air and water treatment units to convert seawater into fresh water and oxygen. Purification of air to remove CO2, H and CO.
· Crew of four people i.e. captain, (radar/submarine/ air defence) operator, (sonar/ (sub/under) surface defence) operator and (technician/ submarine) operator.
· Use of rubber tiles to achieve ultra quiet propulsion.
· Can also be used for deep submerged research and rescue tasks.
· Able to do multi-directional, omni-directional movements just like a fish.
1 Sonar detectors in the bow, flank, and arm and another towed behind the tail.
2 Attachment/rotation balls to be used to rotate arms and tail for diving, surfacing and angular movements. Arms can rotate back and forth, up and down and also sideways to facilitate rolling movements. Tail can move all 360 degree in a circle to facilitate pitching (up/down, left/right, angular) and yawning movements.
3 Engines on arms and tail
4 Vents for diving and surfing.
5 Capacity of four SA missiles
6 Entrance hatch.
7 Thermal imaging and low light cameras to give a 360-degree view. Also includes satellite, radar and navigation services and a flare launcher.
8 Vertical stands to facilitate standing at the ocean depth. Allow knee movements from middle joint to stand even on an irregular service.
9 Exit hatch. Also used to release countermeasures.
10 Capacity of four missiles / torpedoes
11 State-of-the-art, high resolution, xenon technology, ultra-low-light rotating camera with flashlight on either side, for target acquisition/ designation and dark vision sensor, thermal and digital imaging, mapping, which enables to navigate and conduct precision strikes.
12 Multi function phased array radar to track air and surface targets.
13 Engine arm attached to rotating ball.
14 Tail attached to rotating ball.
15 Phalanx CWIS.
To provide a low to medium range air defence capability in deep blue waters in large numbers other than frigates and destroyers.
· It needs to surface for air defence operations.
· Air and water treatment units to convert seawater into fresh water and oxygen. Purification of air to remove CO2, H and CO.
· Crew of four people i.e. captain, (radar/submarine/ air defence) operator, (sonar/ (sub/under) surface defence) operator and (technician/ submarine) operator.
· Use of rubber tiles to achieve ultra quiet propulsion.
· Can also be used for deep submerged research and rescue tasks.
· Able to do multi-directional, omni-directional movements just like a fish.