T-U-P, in advance, I apologize for what may come across as things said in rote. Hopefuly, this helps.
Wikipedia asside, this is what I know.
The Tanks at Omaha beach had one of the worst times. The seas were rough and most of the tanks actualy sunk before they got there. Many of the Tanks that sunk on D-Day off of Omaha are actualy still there today, some with their crews still traped inside.
As in the instances on Juno, the Tanks that did make it were easy targets on the beaches for German artillery, though this as you well know was due to them being first on the scene. The few DD's that did manage to make it to Omaha in that instance were mostly picked off by the experenced soliders manning the emplacements there.
A big problem for the tanks was also the fact that when sea-water got into the engines of the tanks, it caused noxious gases and fumes to be produced. This also happened to be a big problem on Submarines as well, but naturaly, in a tank it was even more dangerous.
If you want a site, although this may seem a bit silly, the Saving Private Ryan Encyclopedia actualy has some pretty detailed info about the Tanks that made it up on Omaha beach.
There were also some links at the bottom of the Wiki that could be used, if you like.
I know this is not quite what you wanted, but I hope it is a start. There is not much I know that is not covered by the Wiki.