The pro China Party will be here Soon So I figure I might as well Leave them some Ammo.
The Problem with the PLA the Communist party of China as a whole there are no real checks and balances to keep the system from getting so incestuous and so directly linked to the money making. The system locks the Financial leadership too the political in the most direct manor, so policies put in place to protect or prevent corruption are put in place by those who are the corrupt. This can hinder as It would make sure contracts are awarded to those in the know.
Now to use a little of that Ammo.
:: But TE the Western system surely is just as Corrupt.::
Yes the West has it's problems with Corruption, Jessie Jackson Jr. just these last weeks is proof enough of that. But Well Millionaires and Billionaires may run for office Someone rarely becomes one well in office and When it happens That individual is going too have every tax form they ever filed gone over with a microscope.
Where as in The PRC people can become billionaires because they are in key positions and pass just the right legislation to place there family or personal company in just the right place too take advantage.
In the west even the hint of such would mean dealing with a Alphabet soup of agency's. In china they are those agents.
and since they control the media they control what gets reported.
::But TE how can awarding a Contact to a General's company cause issues with equipment? Surly they know what is needed better then some civilian?::
In the American Civil War A contract for Union Army Boots was given to a individual because he was a close friend to War Secretary Stanton. The boots fell apart after a single mile of marching. When asked why? "They were meant for the Cavalry."
Generals these days tend to be staff officers. They never really hit the field. More politician then combatant.
If a jet falls from the Sky it's a PR problem. If a tank explodes It's a impediment. As long as they keep the right programs on track and suppress the right issues. in a Army in Garrison Such issues might be heard about but are more embarrassment, trouble is like a ship in port a Army is not meant to always be on base. So it can cause trouble if the gear getting too the troops is the Chosen model not the needed model. In The Afgan occupation Russian troops often ditched there Boots for Chinese Running Shoes, and often made chest rigs or bought them black market because there web gear was poorly suited too there needs.
::Like you said TE That's a common problem? So it just means China shares the Same problems::
but not too the same level, Generals may become the CEO of a Contractor for a western arms maker but first he has too leave the service. Even then there is always someone watching just who close they get. the NCO Corp evaluates a lot kit too make sure it's not just a big heavy useless object. so in the end One way or another it's all about trying too keep the system honest, via the most simple and Direct method. If the product is crap don't Buy it. look for someone else's. Trouble is I am not sure the PLA could do the same because the State owned makers Dominate and allot of the same names interchange along both the Chain of Command the Contractor's Board of Directors as well as those who are supposed too keep watch.
Or as My one of may Favorite movie scenes puts it.
Cassablanca:1942 said:
Rick: How can you close me up? On what grounds?
Captain Renault: I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
[a croupier hands Renault a pile of money]
Croupier: Your winnings, sir.
Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.