This is a *very* rough approximation.M3.0 seems rather slow for WZ8, to avoid interception you'd think it would be faster. The USSR made good faith efforts to down SR71s at M3+ and that was 40 years ago.
At 30km altitude and Mach 3, the WZ-8 will take ~16.6 min from release to landing for Taiwan and ~14.7min for Korea.
The real "time on station" will be even less, as travel time after release and before landing take up distance, speed, and therefore time, and flight altitude(actually air density, right?) will affect Mach speed.
Just eyeballing it, only 3/5 for Taiwan and 3/6 for Korea of WZ-8 flight time is over land.
That's ~9.9min/16.6min and ~7.3min/14.7min over land for Taiwan and Korea, respectively.
Maybe as a recon drone, it's designed not to fly too fast? Maybe any faster and it zooms past targets too quickly. Remember its flying at 30000m (98425.1969 feet) (Stratosphere).
Edit: Actually, just realized this is the rough altitude for "weather balloons". Haha. "Weather Supersonic Drone"
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