Chinese Engine Development


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Great stuff here. AECC Hunan has developed 1300 KW APU, which can be installed on wide body airliner. It achieves global leading performance. fully self developed.

WZ-16 has been delivered in small batch for customer use. Will be installed in AC-352.

AES-100 received TC last year. Will hope to receive production certificate this year. AES-20 will have first flight this year

AEP100 already flew with 7.5ton UAV last year. This year, it will fly on 10.8t UAV (the unmanned transport W5000 I think) using 2 engines.


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Cppcc member confirming "China will witness the debut flight of three types of its homegrown aeroengines in 2025, including the AES100 and AES20, two advanced turboshaft engines for civil helicopters, and the AEP100, designed for unmanned cargo aircraft ranging from about 3 to 10 tonnes, according to Shan Xiaoming, a chief engineer and CPPCC member."


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In fact on everything!

Most of all I'm looking for these three answers:

1. We often hear only it contains certain improvements, new material, maybe FADEC and new manufacturing techniques so that it is in principle "an improved indigenous" variant, but these are at best vague claims and nothing concrete ... so is this true and are there reports on what was indeed improved in which way?

2. is there any external difference or detail noticeable to differ between a D-30KP-2 & a WS-18?

3. Do we have any proof (at best) that PLAAF Y-20As and H-6N are powered by WS-18 or are they still using the original engine?
A paper published by Former General Manager of Boeing China Service Center, Senior Engineer and Deputy Director of CAAC Safety and Information Office has had comfirm ur Q1、Q2 Such as different batches of WS-18 does reduce weight 300-320KG、fuel consumption 18%-21%

Q3 no answers


Some images of last Zhuhai Airshow.

1100kW turboshaft:

AEF50E turbofan for export UAVs:

AEP60E (600kW) turboprop:



AEP100B turboprop, not sure how this differs from the regular AEP100:
