Tyrant King
Yes they do, Which I commented on.
However the question I commented on was.
Winglets deal with a drag effect but they are not the only means . Though Popular in Boeing and Airbus lines Boeing also uses Fences and raked tips. Well Airbus almost universally uses winglets, 737 uses fences well 787 uses rakes.
Which can deal with the same issues.
However the question I commented on was.
Yes they add complexity. I covered that farther a longer wing hits a major issue as wings droop and flex. As Y20 conforms to the classic high wing configuration it’s wings have an anhedral wing slope from the wing box meaning make the wings longer and they might be touching grass. Which is a good thing for people not good for an Airplanes wings.Why does a military aircraft need winglet? Commercial airliners use them because there are strict dimension gates that they want to be able to use. If a321 wing gets too long, then it can't use class 3 gates anymore. There is not such concerns for military aircraft.
Winglets deal with a drag effect but they are not the only means . Though Popular in Boeing and Airbus lines Boeing also uses Fences and raked tips. Well Airbus almost universally uses winglets, 737 uses fences well 787 uses rakes.
Which can deal with the same issues.