There is no risk of poster re-arranging scree dumps to twist. This screen capture alone is certain enough that YY-20 is a multi-purpose tanker+cargo (加油运输机).I think there might be something to this claim. Below are some screen captures from a news clip that I cannot locate. Assuming the poster hasn't deliberately cut out and/or re-arranged the frames in an effort to deceive, the subtitles state: “运20本身装载能力比较强,包括它可以运送重型的坦克,运油20也可以执行这样的任务,运油20作为先进的多任务加油运输机,使用上非常灵活...”, which translates as "The Y-20 itself has a large cargo capacity, including the ability to transport heavy tanks. The Y-20 tanker can also carry out such operations. As an advanced multi-purpose tanker and transport, the Y-20 tanker is very versatile and flexible..."
P.S. Does anyone have the clip in question?
Also, CCTV news channel has the text report here
It said "运油-20身兼双职, 不仅能空中加油, 还能担负空中投送任务". YY-20 is not only a tanker, but also fullfill cargo delivery task.