Well, I've been waiting for higher resolution photos on the Y-20U, as previously I noticed that the rear of the Y-20U seems to still retain the same slits as the Y-20A.
View attachment 94994
View attachment 94993
I have observed the fuselage lines there yes, but that in of itself, is far from decisive.
For example, on KJ-2000, the lines for the ramp door are still present, even though the aircraft structurally of course is unable to function as a transporter or even have a ramp open to begin with.
In the case of the Y-20U we've seen, my doubts as to the ability of the ramp to function is because the centreline refueling contraption is one that seems it would be quite integrated into the internal rear fuselage and where the cargo hold bay would be in the aircraft.
It's not like on a Il-78, where you have a side mounted UPAZ pod which doesn't interfere with the cargo hold or the ramp.
All you need to do to operate a Il-78 as a transporter is to remove the pod itself and the cargo bay and ramp can function as normal.
So IMO, it's *possible* that the Y-20U's rear ramp can function as a normal ramp and allow the Y-20U to operate as a standard transport aircraft.... but if it does, chances are the conversion process is not easy and isn't something that can be done on the fly.
Until such a point that we have a photo confirmation of the Y-20U with its rear ramp functioning as a normal Y-20 transport, I think this is something that should be considered as "remains in question".