CJ-1000 is an civilian engine that will probably have lots of higher hurdle to overcome like noise level control and long hour duration usage which will take longer to solve than the military WS-20 engines.
Since AEW C919 will be serving the military. Those extra requirement for civilian standard will be omitted.
If they aim the WS-20 or CJ-1000 as a CFM-56 equivalent (in terms of meeting both military and civilian aviation standards), in the long run the benefits will be enormous, as the large number of units demanded and in use will, in long run, drive down the unit cost per engine and maintenance. Think about the emission standards that'd restrict the choice of air corridors or airports, if and when WS-20 equipped C-919 and Y-20 need to deploy overseas, be it for humanitarian relief effort or joint exercise.
But given the generation gap of Chinese engines compare with the West, that's a really tall order of things.