Senior Member
Even though it's not designed for supercruise, F-135 shows the upgrade potentials of F-119. I had a discussion a couple of years ago with someone WAB who was telling me F-119 could easily get up to 40k pound of thrust. Of course, you want to keep it lower during training, because that's how you reduce wear and tear on the engine and get longer service life. But if you don't believe this point, that's fine.
As for CJ1000, do you have any real number on it? Back in 2009, there was an article by SEARI that proposed two different kind of high by pass engines, one is basically WS-18 and the other is basically WS-20. .....................
It's an incremental upgrade at best if you want to call it that. More like compromising one feature for another. F119/F135 are essentially same tech level as WS15, no generational gap.
The CJ1000 numbers are comparable to LeapX, that's what it's marketed as. All I'm looking for in a counter argument is just proofs why it can't be achieved. Not 'let's see results first'. My grandma can say 'let's see results first'.
Well, we are here today talking about Chinese aviation in 2020. We obviously can't see results yet unless we have a time machine.
These are real companies putting tens of billions where their mouth is putting up real plans for the future. None will make plans for future if we just need to 'see results first'.
This is not about being optimistic/pessimistic. WS15, CJ1000 etc are real plans out there for about 2020. None can guarantee the future but if/when they are ready, the simple unbiased conclusion is it'll put Chinese aviation on same level as US.