In high school I'd get upset over my peers making stupid comments and jokes and acting all cocky and arrogantly immature, however if today I suddenly get thrown back in time to re-witness all those again, I won't even give a damn.
What I see is the same here. Most of our regular forum members (even the infamous Mig), know much more about China and are more informed about the capabilities of the Chinese than they ever are. Even with our biases, we are still more moderate and critical than they will ever be. With that said, we are miles ahead of who those kids are and we should just continue to let those so-called experts continue to make themselves look ridiculous while we do our own thing, as I feel we have no point in getting worked up over petty internet boys. What those idiots spew out of their mouth shows they are pretty much no different than from those high school kids I've mentioned, so why we who know much better, should get upset over the acts of the intellectually lower class? Axe may be very knowledgeable in other things, but when it comes to talking about Chinese defense, he's just a choir boy, and surely I won't get worked up over another Justin Bieber with glasses.