China's lead water crisis


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I was just reading about this toxic water disaster of epic proportion in Flint Michigan....

Who Poisoned Flint, Michigan?

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This line is particular of interest :

"When pediatricians hear about lead, we freak out," Hanna-Attisha told me. "We absolutely freak out, because we know the kind of irreversible lifetime multigenerational impact." You can address the damage, she said, but it will always be there.

So I got curious and google China toxic water... and here is what I found:

Beijing drinking water reservoir had lead levels ‘20 times WHO standard’ for at least three years

PUBLISHED : Wednesday, 15 July, 2015, 1:29pm
Stephen Chen [email protected]

The Danjiangkou reservoir has been found to contain levels of lead 20 times safety standards set by the World Health Organisation. Photo: AFP
A major reservoir supplying drinking water to Beijing and other cities in northern China contained heavy metal pollutants at levels far above safe standards for a period of at least three years, according to a study by Chinese scientists.

Levels of lead in the Danjiangkou reservoir were 20 times the maximum safe level set by the World Health Organisation, at more than 200 micrograms per litre, between 2007 and 2010, the research found, though it did not say whether the problem still exists.

The WHO standard for a safe level of lead in a surface water source is 10 micrograms per litre. The maximum level regarded as safe by the United States Environmental Protection Agency is 15 micrograms. China's own national surface water quality standards call for levels to remain under 50 micrograms.

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The study, published in the peer reviewed Journal of Environmental Informatics, found that levels of lead in the reservoir, which supplies more than 60 per cent of taps in Beijing, increased 20-fold in the three-year period.

Professor Zhang Quanfa, a researcher with the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Wuhan Botanical Garden and lead scientist of the project, declined an interview due to the sensitivity of the issue.

Whether the water from Danjiangkou reservoir was still drinkable “was not a question I am able to answer,” he told the South China Morning Post.

The Beijing Water Authority and the Water Quality Monitoring Centre of the Beijing Water Group declined to comment on the research.

The Beijing government has previously said that water from Danjiangkou receives extensive treatment at processing plants before it reaches individual households, so the quality of water in the reservoir does not necessarily reflect the quality in household taps.

The Ministry of Water Resources said last month that the reservoir had been rated Grade 1, meaning lead levels were below 10 micrograms per litre, for more than 70 per cent of the time it has been in use. Lead levels in the reservoir have never fallen below Grade 2 on the national standards, between 10 and 50 micrograms per litre, the ministry said.

Excessive lead in drinking water can lead to a host of health problems, and can be especially dangerous to infants and children, according to the US EPA.

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Lead poisoning can cause delays in physical or mental development with detectable deficits in attention span and learning abilities in children, while in adults the symptoms include kidney problems and increased blood pressure.

Earlier this week researchers in Hong Kong found
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, with suspicion falling on building materials used.

The mainland study found other kinds of pollutants in Danjiangkou water that exceeded safety standards, including arsenic and chromium, which can lead to cancer and skin problems.

The reservoir held 29 billion tons of water at the end of 2014 and had a surface area of around 450 square kilometres. Its dam was 0.8 km downstream of the junction of the Han and Dan rivers in Hubei and Henan provinces.

“Greater efforts must be made to reduce nitrogen, arsenic and lead pollution for water conservation in the reservoir,” the researchers said in their paper.

They said the increased levels of lead may be caused by an increase in vehicle exhaust pollutants in the upper Han river basin area, as well as mining related activities.

The reservoir is a key part of China’s ambitious South-North Water Transfer Project, which is designed to funnel more than 14 billion tons of water per year from the Yangtze River region to more than 20 cities in the dry north, with Beijing's water supply given top priority.

By the end of last year the government had spent more than 200 billion yuan on the project with the main canal exceeding 1,400 km in length.

Other studies have also shown high levels of pollution in the Danjiangkou reservoir, mainly from untreated sewage in the rivers that flow into it.

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Junior Member

Lead Exposure

  • The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) considers lead to be the greatest environmental health risk to children and the WHO estimates that about 800,000 children are affected by lead exposure each year Yet, in China, awareness of lead dangers is extremely low
  • About 34% of children in China have blood-lead levels that exceed the WHO limit, according to researchers at the Beijing University Health Science Center, who reviewed 10 years of data on the topic. In comparison, less than 1 percent of children in the US have levels above the WHO limit.
  • A study by the Shanghai Institute for Pediatric Research found that over 40 percent of the tested umbilical cords of newborns in Shanghai had lead blood poisoning (>10ug/dl)
  • “The effects of lead exposure appear to be long-lasting and irreversible… chelation therapy had no beneficial effects on tests of cognition, behavior, or neuropsychological function. Prevention is thus the only plausible strategy.”
  • The top sources of lead exposure are: ingestion of lead-contaminated paint chips, dust or dirt and lead in drinking water.
What is it and why is it a unique concern in China?
  • Lead is still commonly found in products, including food
Lead (Pb) is a heavy metal that for many years was used in paint, gasoline, plumbing, and many manufactured items. In China, lead is still prized in manufacturing because it is plentiful, cheap, malleable, and resistant to corrosion. Lead compounds are regularly added to plastics and vinyl to make them more resistant to high temperatures. Because lead is heavy, it is often added to cheap metal products to make them seem more substantial. Lead dust is sometimes added to herbal products that are sold by weight to make them heavier and increase their value. Lead may also be found in the solder connecting pipes for your home plumbing. Lead is still used in jet and low-grade fuels and can last for decades in soil. Years of unchecked industrial pollution combined with loose enforcement of environmental regulations have left China with lead-contaminated air, soil, and water. A compilation of 32 blood level studies over the past decade found that even among screened subjects who lived in areas with no lead pollution sources, over one-third of the children had lead poisoning (>100ug/dl).

Despite growing awareness of air and water pollution, most Chinese (including doctors) do not recognize lead as a significant hazard. As a result, few regulations have been enacted to control for lead (outside of export controls) and no campaign exists to educate the public on the dangers. Of specific concern to foreigners is the fact that there is no consumer product safety commission and no laws mandating lead-free buildings. Do not count on the government or your landlord to protect you.

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There is a direct relationship between lead exposure and learning disability as lead can interfere with brain functions, particularly a developing brain (children's brain). The damage is also irreversible once exposed.

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"Lead may also be found in the solder connecting pipes for your home plumbing" <---
This one caused last year's big scandal in Hong Kong, where the lead was used as solder connecting water pipes for residential use that was imported from China.

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This is more than serious problem for China, it should be a crisis. As a generation of children living in China will be affected by the environmental disaster that's unfolding in China. The air pollution and high lead level in chinese kid will create a generation of retarded or learning disability kids with problem in adulthood. The "chinese dream" will certainly not be carry by these kids as they are all become affected by it.

And couple with a leadership structure and a form of government that is not accountable to its people, this is the problem I am talking about that in democratic country this will be fixed, but not in China, not until massive inreversible damage is done. There is no mechanism for the people to enact change when the government is not responding to the slow poisoning of its citizens, the government will continue to allow it to poison its people, and will have no urgency to respond to calls of action because they don't need to face re-election or issues of accountability. All of it will just be sweep under the carpet just like how they handle the high speed train disaster by burying it. The tainted is another good example, only after irreversible damage is done to the China's dairy milk industry, did the government responded to the crisis.

Now, every mainland chinese who is living oversea (including my sister-in-law) is looking to buy milk powder (not made in China) before they are going home for the Chinese New Year because nobody in China is buying milk powder from China unless they have absolutely no choice.

It is truely sad to see news like these springing up:

Canadians are selling cans of fresh air to China

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Some Chinese entrepreneur selling cans of "fresh air" in China:

If only the chinese parents know how much damage the air they breath in can do irreversible damage to their kids.... they will all put them in scuba diving gear all the time!

I am very certain a lot of Pro-China forum users here will just called me a crank or scaremonger for this, but I just feel very sad that generations of chinese kids will grow up in this kind of environment, possibly become retarded by it, and chinese dream unfulfilled.
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介绍,7岁以下小孩,会到处乱摸乱吃,容易损伤孩子发育中的神经系统。中国政府政府通过关停了一些铅污染严重的企业,减少含铅汽油,推广天然气等等,或者把铅污染企业从东部转移到西部,从大城市搬迁到中小城市或农村。城市儿童体内铅浓度超标(超10μg/dL)从之前35%下降到3%左右,超标率降低了不少。城市儿童,血液中含铅量下降了不少。从2000到2009年,6岁以下城市儿童,血铅浓度从7–10μg/dL 下降到2.5–6 μg/dL.。貌似取得了不少成绩。

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就 现在的生活来说,孩子们的周围,铅无处不在。各种装饰涂料、玩具、包装材料,锅碗瓢盆,越来越多的电子设备和电池,以及民间的各种偏方药中均含有铅。土壤 污染,农作物通过生物富集,最终铅也会通过食物积累在人体内。受害最惨的是儿童,儿童在发育过程中,不经意间便沉积到体内。成人虽然已经完成了发育,不如 儿童那般脆弱,但一些饰品,如女同胞的口红、化妆品,甚至有些水龙头中都含铅,会直接进入人的体内。日积月累,便会损害人的健康,引发各种癌变。

如 此严峻的现状,着实令人担忧与失望。作为一名从事环境教育的青年,看了铅污染的情况,瞬间觉得自己无比渺小。在如此一个悄然的恶魔与杀手之前,是那么的无 力,既无力改变又无力诉说。这让我回想起来,我父亲住院其间来自云南兰坪的一位病友。常常骄傲地说,兰坪的铅锌矿非常有名,言语间透露出一种自豪感。虽然 无直接证据表明,导致了当地人得白血病的概率提升,但他们一个小小的小区就有两位病友,这难免令人胡乱联想。据报道,中国每年有4000多篇研究铅与环境的论文发表,但报道解读和科普挖掘实在太少。这与气候变化领域也有一定的相似性,每年有过万篇气候变化相关论文,但通俗易懂的报道和科普却少得很,不是不着边际的连篇解读,就是生僻晦涩的教条,很难激发公共的思考。

从 心理上分析,气候变化这种问题,老百姓可能不太在意。自己都管不了,哪有心思管天呢。铅矿、煤炭和汽油这种事情又太晦涩,往往只能被动接收,没太多的选 择。只有疾病是可以切身的体会危难,不仅是一种恐慌,也是一种呢无奈。疾病、重金属、污染、煤炭与气候变化,诸多问题交织在一起,想想就让人觉得窒息,老 百姓自然难以理解,也很难相信我们的政府能管得住、管得好。看着乡村满大街的假货、山寨货,假酒,假烟,假衣服,假化妆品,以及似有似无的管理。铅污染这 种高端大气,无影无形的杀手,如厉鬼一样无时不刻的跟随着,在我天朝能健康活到晚年,实属万幸呐。

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童易受铅污染 导致智商降低






铅及其无机化合物可以经过呼吸道和消化道吸收进入人体,但通常不能通过完整的皮肤进入体内。在成人中,铅经胃肠道吸收通常不完全,平均为摄入量的10%; 但在儿童中,消化道吸收可以达到50%,再加上其他途径的吸收,儿童从环境中铅的总吸收率比成人多3倍。一般情况下,成人摄入体内的铅90%以上最终会随 大小便排出体外,但儿童体内铅排泄率仅60%左右,仍有1/3积留在体内。

另外,儿童生性好动,精力旺盛,玩耍时造成手、头面部污染的概率显著高于成人,这也是易受铅污染的原因之一。而环境中的铅尘由于重力的作用,地表层面即1 米上下空间铅浓度更高,儿童的身高决定其受铅污染的概率更高。另外,儿童身体处于发育阶段,身体机能尚不成熟,同等剂量的铅,给儿童造成的伤害更大。与成 人比,这些因素都使得儿童成为铅中毒“易感者”。


慢性铅中毒主要影响神经系统、消化系统、血液系统,也有可能造成肾脏损伤,铅对于儿童神经精神方面的影响更为突出。早在1977年就有人报道行为异常门诊 的多动症患儿血铅水平显著高于普通门诊的患病儿童,在技能、语言、精神等方面会出现发育迟缓。儿童精神发育迟缓的特点是智力水平显著低于其他同龄儿童。儿 童血铅水平每上升100微克/升,智商IQ值将降低3~7分。

近年来,伴随着我国经济的快速发展,环境问题日益突出。随着工业化、城市化的进程,公路快速发展,汽车保有量迅速增长,工业铅污染严重,造成我国儿童铅中 毒的问题更加突出。我国诸多省市纷纷出现的环境铅污染现象,不仅不利于和谐社会的建设,同时危害到子孙后代的健康。环境铅污染会使我们的未来生存环境更加 困难。

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And couple with a leadership structure and a form of government that is not accountable to its people, this is the problem I am talking about that in democratic country this will be fixed, but not in China, not until massive inreversible damage is done. There is no mechanism for the people to enact change when the government is not responding to the slow poisoning of its citizens, the government will continue to allow it to poison its people, and will have no urgency to respond to calls of action because they don't need to face re-election or issues of accountability. All of it will just be sweep under the carpet just like how they handle the high speed train disaster by burying it. The tainted is another good example, only after irreversible damage is done to the China's dairy milk industry, did the government responded to the crisis.


I am very certain a lot of Pro-China forum users here will just called me a crank or scaremonger for this, but I just feel very sad that generations of chinese kids will grow up in this kind of environment, possibly become retarded by it, and chinese dream unfulfilled.

I think virtually everyone here is already quite well aware of the environmental degradation in China, and the adverse impact it has on people's lives. Furthermore, environmental degradation in the pursuit of industrialization, especially in developing countries with large populations, is not exactly uncommon unfortunately.
(For instance, of the top 20 cities in the world with worst air pollution, all of them are in developing countries, including India, Pakistan and Iran. It may also surprise some members that no Chinese city is even in the top 20.)

The question is whether things are getting better or worse in China.

I think the last year has seen certain key indicators such as PM2.5 levels and coal consumption and emissions decrease in a practically and statistically significant way. (such as a reduction in CO2 emissions expected of 3-4%
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, and more importantly a reduction in average PM2.5 levels in cities by 10% from 2014 and 25% from 2013
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And with the shift in the structure of the economy and massive investments in renewable energy overall, 2015 will likely (or at least hopefully) herald the beginning of the shift of the country to not only a more economically healthier but also environmentally healthier method of growth.
More importantly, the govt is also far more committed to improving air quality and the environment in other aspects given the populace is becoming far more aware and empowered to voice their opinion regarding the issue, and despite its political system the govt is still responding to public concerns.

So what you're describing is tragic and unfortunate for China and the Chinese it affects, but I'm not very comfortable with the almost clickbait descriptions and lack of context in your writing which conveys a sense of alarm of almost apocalyptic proportions. Furthermore, your conclusions regarding the supposed lack of responsiveness of the govt to public concerns is also contrary to the truth because the govt has in recent years provided additional coverage and monitoring of things such as air quality, and very openly acknowledge environmental degradation as a challenge and we have also seen statistical evidence from third parties documenting improvements.

By all means let's discuss issues such as environment degradation and conservation, but if you try to spin in political matters with an agenda (which is what got the Chinese Economics thread shut down, if you recall), then you're just asking for people to respond negatively to you and for the thread to eventually be shut down.
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Lead Exposure

I am just going to say that your leap into blaming the government (really doesn't matter where or what form) for the disastrous consequences of callous acts of businesses and private citizens is very much misguided, inaccurate, and ignorant despite this being a common perspective among members of this forum. If people want accountability then they need to point fingers at and condemn the actual source of harmful behavior. The government is merely the method via which accountability can be implemented and should not wrongly be treated as the target.


Senior Member
I am just going to say that your leap into blaming the government (really doesn't matter where or what form) for the disastrous consequences of callous acts of businesses and private citizens is very much misguided, inaccurate, and ignorant despite this being a common perspective among members of this forum. If people want accountability then they need to point fingers at and condemn the actual source of harmful behavior. The government is merely the method via which accountability can be implemented and should not wrongly be treated as the target.

Agreed, because Flint, MI is suffering from a major lead contamination crises caused by a seriously misguided attempt at cost saving for their municipal water system. If democratic controls were as great as the democrat ideologues would espouse this would never have happened in the first place, yet it continues on despite the culpability of the leadership in both the city and state government levels. Nobody is perfect, and ascribing problems as strictly political system based is just another form of ideological pandering. Indeed, this whole topic is politically baited from the get go.
Agreed, because Flint, MI is suffering from a major lead contamination crises caused by a seriously misguided attempt at cost saving for their municipal water system. If democratic controls were as great as the democrat ideologues would espouse this would never have happened in the first place, yet it continues on despite the culpability of the leadership in both the city and state government levels. Nobody is perfect, and ascribing problems as strictly political system based is just another form of ideological pandering. Indeed, this whole topic is politically baited from the get go.

And let's not forget about the proliferation of private contractors carrying out the actual work that the government is nominally responsible for. Most of the time when something goes wrong the government is blamed yet the private contractors are left out of the spotlight of desired accountability.

Using private contractors to do government work inherently does not make sense in the first place as private contractors by definition work for profit which means the government and thereby taxpayers will always be paying a premium and not getting their money's full worth of work.