China has made a <Multi-cultural Unificiation Theory> and has used it to distort history. China is trying to take the history of other countries and make it their own using this theory. That is why they call it the multi-cultural unification theory. They are trying to unify all the other culture's history into their own. However China's argument falls short. South Korea's Ko-ku-ryuh kingdom lasted 700 years, whereas 70% of China's many kingdoms lasted less than 50 years. The only two dyansties that survived longer than 200 years is the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty. If Ko-ku-ryuh was part of China's history, how can a secondary dynasty last three times longer than China's main dynasties? That doesn't make any sense, and the China's lies are so ill conceived. There must be an international prohibition against China's distorted history lessons.
Not sure what you are trying to proof here... first off,
China's Xia Dynasty - 594 years
China's Shang Dynasty - 629 years
China's Zhou Dynasty - 788 years
China's Han Dyansty - 471 years
China's Tang Dynasty - 289 years
China's Song Dynasty - 319 years
China's Ming Dynasty - 276 years
China's Qing Dynasty - 267 years
So, as you can see, more than 2 Chinese dynasty lasted more than 200years and not much of them last less than 50years, and so, you should check what they are teaching you in whatever country you are from.
Second, what had a dynasty that had rule over a place for centuries got to do with anything when a stronger force simply came in and destroy that dynasty? Look to the changing of China's dynasty for example, Zhou Dynasty was by far the longest ruling in China (788 years) was destroyed by Qin.
So, what is so difficult to understand, that the stronger one took over the weaker state. Plus this type of discussion would mainly turned into a country vs country crap which we do not welcome.
(Added: Oh... just read the link that TS provided... that link is worst off than linking anything to wikipedia... it was just a forum with 1 posting in that particular thread and the posting is actually full of craps with no reference and whatsoever. Not sure what TS is trying to do here... but I smell a discord he/she was trying to start.)