China has attended the Eurosatory 2010 exhibition in Paris, the first time it has attended this event.
Its contribution has been a series of models of some of its latest Land Vehicles. Most of them seem well known but it may be an worthwhile having a look. I was interested to see some of its new wheeled armoured vehicles including the 8 wheeled VN1 which (the last I looked) was still an object of some mystery in so far if any of these 8 wheelers were actually part of the official PLA inventory.
Its contribution has been a series of models of some of its latest Land Vehicles. Most of them seem well known but it may be an worthwhile having a look. I was interested to see some of its new wheeled armoured vehicles including the 8 wheeled VN1 which (the last I looked) was still an object of some mystery in so far if any of these 8 wheelers were actually part of the official PLA inventory.