Brain storm for the chinese SOF training

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petty officer1

Junior Member
glad to be back, work have been hell......

as we know chinese lack strickly speaking covert operation SOFs like the Delta boys, SEALs, and SAS. most SOFs in china is most like speacial detachment of military regions like the United states marine recons.

Thinks as you are a newly elected chinese Lt. general to creat a secret, small, lethal chinese SOF unit under the drict order of comission of defence department. your funing is big, your source of choice is vast. Only a hand full of men in PLA know about this secret unit. the code for the unit will be "1st team RED EAGLE" you will have a limits of 4 years to create 2 squadrons of 64 men. you can select from ANY chinese PLA, PLAAF, PLAN units, Marine, chinese airborn, whatever... do you select the men
2. what are the selection crouse
3. training and who will you appoint to train those men.
4 and what ever you want to add.....

let the fun beginn..........


Junior Member
I will gather the strongest. One can transform into water. The other has super-human strength. The third can transform into fire. The fourth has super sight and hearing. The fifth has a magical gourd that can contain anything. Then I transform into my level two cursed seal and defeat all enemies of the horde.

That was fun.


Junior Member
lets keep an open mind here, what petty officer suggested is actually quite interesting. my recruits will come from a background of specialists such as demo, para, foreign languages, high- average to exceptional fitness levels and have served atleast 3 years in any of the other armed service branches.

entry ofcourse is by selection only and even those who pass the rigorous fitness, weapons proficiency training and backgound checks may not be selected.

needless to say, they will be equiped with the best the PLA can field but keeping in mind that there is only 128 men and heavy equipement will not be required as it will be provided by other service branches. Personal equipment will include: body armour, NVG, personal radio, gps, assault rifle/ smg of choice ( trying to put that delta feel into it) pony bottles ( for aquatic uses) and sidearms among other things.

i would appoint special forces units/individuals who have competed in international exercises to train them as they would know what its like on the international level.

thats all i can think of right now..=)


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
Thinks as you are a newly elected chinese Lt. general to creat a secret, small, lethal chinese SOF unit under the drict order of comission of defence department. your funing is big, your source of choice is vast. Only a hand full of men in PLA know about this secret unit. the code for the unit will be "1st team RED EAGLE" you will have a limits of 4 years to create 2 squadrons of 64 men. you can select from ANY chinese PLA, PLAAF, PLAN units, Marine, chinese airborn, whatever...

I think this scenario is quite unlikely. If only a couple of people know of this organization, who is going to provide support arms? Helicopters, transports, etc.

I think by developing world class SOF, I would also required independent support arms.

Since China already have SOF units, although not like the ones fielded by most armies, I could save quite a lot of time by selecting from these units.

However, first I must know what is the actual missions that these peoples are expected to undertake before I can list out what to train them on.

I think that is all for now.


Junior Member
VIP Professional do you select the men
2. what are the selection crouse

One I want a mix of city kids and country boys. The city kids will be familiar with technology and tinkering, the country boys will have feild craft skills. They must come from prosperous families (rural or urban), China still has enough of a food problem that only the upper echelons got the proper diet as kids to insure good physical size and brain development. Plus the upper crust has the loyalty to resist the temptations of the free world beucase they already enjoy many of the same privaleges.

3. training and who will you appoint to train those men.

The next year will be spent in intensive training to get them to think in the western manner and learning forgien languages. A special forces outfit filled with robots who need leadership is useless. The next year is indivual training in advanced skills and then a year to build unit cohesion. The final year is for unit demonstration to provide proof of concept.

During the same time the officers need to be creating a detailed orbat and mission profile. There is nothing worse than line officers trying to use special forces as infantry. They assume the super soilders won't need the normal amount of support. This has happened many times in the military history of the US.

The trainers would mostly have to be forgieners. Israelies, South Africans, French, and others who work on the western model but are outside of the Anglo block.

4 and what ever you want to add.....

Finally at the same time this force is being developed the units supporting subunits need to be created and trained helos, fixed wing, modified submarines for clandestine insertion. Weapons and equipment specialist and stockpiles and diplomatic covers to get them in and out of forgien countries.

When all is said and done they need some real world missions to prove themselves to themselves and to the goverment. kidnapping dissedents from Taipei or Tokyo, assissnation of Free Tibet activist in New Delhi etc.

Then once the unit is built and proven you unveil it to the world and let it get really bloody in the global war on Terror in places like Afghanistan. There it can kill jihadi's and suffer its own losses to bind itself together with blood. It will also be able to work along side NATO units and get pointers and tips by true masters of the craft.

One problem the unit would have is that it would be 100% pure Asian. This would limit its theater of operations to Asian countries and Countires where large groups of Asians moving around would not be out of place.

my .02
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Junior Member
IMO the unit wouldn't have to be entirely asian. Theres always those few foreign elite soldiers who feel thy've been screwed over by their governments and seeking to get back at them, joining the Special forces of other coutries such as China's, Iran's etc would be a perfect place for them, although a closer eye must be kept on them.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
You never ever trust a traitor, no matter why they turned coat, if they do it once they can do it again. While it may be possible to use them as trainers, the actual unit has to be 100% relaible and that means native born true beleivers only.


Junior Member
im not talking about traitors just pissed of former special forces dude. hypothetically speaking, your an elite soldier in say the SAS or Delta, and you're undertaking a high risk opperationg deep in foreign territory. Something goes wrong and you find yourself sperated from the rest of your squad and captured. your government denies any knowledge of the operation ( as would most governments to save face) and therefore it is assumed that you are acting alone and therefore a criminal and as such, is subjected to the laws of that country. Now understandably you'd feel pissed that you've sweat blood for your country only to have yout government screw you over by not helping you. You cut a deal with your captors show them the know-how of training and equipment in return you get a chance to "knock off" the civilian leadership, preparing for your return to your country...hows that sound?


That is a traitor, IMO. If you undertake covert ops in a foreign country, I think it's clear from the beginning that your country will deny to be involved in that.
Maybe you should use every opportunity to get away, but then that one shouldn't talk about any secrecies.
It should anyway be pretty clear that such a captive will dry to thwart your efforts whenever possible, therefore I wouldn't count on somebody like that to train main SOFs, his countries enemies.


Senior Member
lol you know how Chinese traditionally pick their most lethal soldiers? its kinda like the romans, put 200 of them in a ring, give them weapons, and have them kill each other. the 50 that are still in one piece in the end are selected lol.
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