Skorzeny thank you for your post. I agree that the term asymmetric has been over used and over rated gorilla tactics,unconventional warfare,asymmetric warfare,what ever you what to call it is the resort of the desperate. I would much rather be in a 70 ton tank than a infantry man facing it.But it is a correct truism that all power is local.A infantry man with a sniper riffle or an rpg in the right place at the right time will beat the tank, that is in the wrong place.For example in the Iraq war where there are no front lines, large enemy formations,fixed objectives,or command structure the 70 ton tank becomes a liability.American style combined arms mechanized warfare is too expensive and distractive to be cost effective in a counter insurgency.There is a often quoted estimate(I don't know if it is true ) that the US spent $250,000 for every Vietnamese that it killed in the Vietnam war.I don't know how much the dead Iraqis or Afghans will cost ,but it wont be cheep.Using American doctrine and tactics to fight a counter insurgency is like trying to put in a lawn sprinkler using a bulldozer. You my eventually get it done,but you won't have a lawn or even a house by the time you are through.