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Slightly larger Kilo class is credited with 18 torps or 24 mines and unspecified number of Club ASM, at the expense of torpedo or mine load.


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**Highly speculative, not from credible source pure speculation**

But apparently this has been going around Rednote recently. People are speculating by the end of the next decade PLAN will have 7 carriers with 6 CVNs and the original 003 still chugging along, 5 Type 075 LHDs, 5 Type 076 LHA/LHDs, 18 Type 055/A Destroyers, 60 Type 052D Destroyers, 12 Next generation destroyers(Type 057?), 30 Type 054B Frigates, 16 Type 096 SSBNs, 50 Type 095/93B SSNs and some landing vessels/supply ships for a grand total of 7.5M(Being fair, not sure where this number came from since all the mentioned classes above adds up to approx. 3M tons displacement assuming next gen DDG will come in at ~15000 tons fully loaded and Type 095 and 096 will have similar displacement to equivalent classes from USN. But this doesn't count in any of the auxiliary vessels and in my opinion massive fleet of corvettes/SSKs that the PLAN will likely have) tons active displacement.

I feel like I somewhat agree with this speculation, but I would assume more frigates will be built and probably quite alot of corvettes will still be in service since China has such a large coastline that needs patrolling, also doubtful that China will completely give up on SSKs. I believe it is also likely that PLAN will still operate a sizable fleet of SSKs either of the rumored SSKN or just normal SSKs for SCS patrol. 90 "modern" destroyers by 2039 seems very reasonable if not abet undersized, 052Ds by then would mostly have gone through MLUs to stay relevant. Potentially more LHDs/LHAs would be built but IMO 10 will be enough and *maybe* PLAN will put the rumored cruiser class vessels into service sometime in the future but it seems rather unlikely now that large destroyers are basically doubling as cruisers. But again I'm purely speculating, LMK what you guys think. If this is realistically plausible or not