Jones Henry
Banned Idiot
I think, that nothing quite so well proves american stupidity then there infamous "missile shield"
Some experts claime, that the hole project was all about putting arms in to space, so they disguised these devices to look like a "missile shiled" The idea was basicly to open the door for this WERY expensive and quite easily countable project by the military allready somewhere in 1982. The public would be spooked in to beliveing that the soviets were acually dumb enough to nuke the US, wich is why they needed this "shield"
Ofcourse it was all a ploy. First of all the Soviets wouldnt do that, because they were allready broke in 1982. Second, this was a porject both by the military industrial complex and Ronald Reagan, a b-class actor who wanted to become an "all american hero"
Basicly speaking we must be talking about one of the most dumb military projects in history. Luckily for America(wich would have probobly gone broke developing one)they secretly gave up the hole project about the same time the Soviet union collapset
The idea is to basicly build weapons, and send them in to space. America aimded for space supremacy(and to shoot down possible enemy satelites)while stating it needs this system for "defence" To say it like the Chinese do;"My enemy has very cleverly disguised hes sword to be a shield"
There hardly can be any dumber idea than a "missile shield" Ofcouse maybe as a long term project it might have not been such a bad idea in the 1980's In the book "war day" there is a imaginary scenario, where the Soviets use ICBM:s to shoot this system down before it becomes fully operational. Now imagine just that! America in the 1980's would have used TRILLIONS of dollars for these new high tech satelites, and then just before there fully operational, the Soviets sudenly attack and shoot them down
How would have Ronald Reagans America respondet? Any attack on the Soviets would have met a deadly retaliation! So, what would have America done? Cursed and threaten the soviets? Most likely. Or maybe something else funny and desperate? You have ro realize, that first of all in order to have such a system you need LOTS of money, wich America did not either have in the 1980's or now, so it's a WERY risky operation! You would have had to use this money in the 1980's to develop both new generation satelites and missiles. The tricly part is the satelites, wich are vulnerable to for instanche emp attacks.
The Soviets could have done this(just before the system was fully operational)and the Americans would have lost TRILLIONS of dollars, and still be stuck with MAD.
I think military experts have known this for quite some time. Not everyone in the Pentagon is as dumb as you might tink, ESPECIALLY after 9/11! It was always a VERY risky experiment, wich is why it was acually cancelled after Reagans long regime endet.
Reagan tried to convince average americans, that MAD was a too deadly theory to exist even if it had secured pace since 1945. Reagan used propaganda to try to manipulate people in to thinking that MAD(Mutually assured destruction)would eventually destroy America, after all he was an actor. Still it did not, and when Mihail Gorbatšov came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985, he set off a hole new revoliton of reforms that permanently changed the Soviet Union and the hole world!
So was a missile missile shield nessecary? Ofcourse not! But still Americans quite never gave up on the project! After the fall of the Soviet Union it was acually more nessesary than ever, since it was a part of a way for america to secure "global dominance"
The problem is, that countries like China ans Russia have now "woken up" from there deep deep coma caused by a closed system and communism. Thanks to "globalism" American labs are being hacked each day by not just China, and vital information is being stolen now from the worlds only "hyper power" As a result new deadly stealth and super sonic missiles and being build including new "nano satelites" and EMP weapons ready to fight america in space.
If the americans were smart, they wouldnt even try it! And what about the so called "rogue states" and there nukes? Come on! If "rogues" want to hit America, why would they use old Rrussian SS-18:s to deliver there deadly arsenal to american soil? Over 500 000-illegal aliens march over Americas borders every years thanks to globalism, so please dont now give my that crap:"we need a missile shiled against a possible attack from Iran or al'qaida"
Blaa blaa blaa...yeah right
The fact is, that even if both China and the US had over 10 000-nuclear tipped missiles aimed at each other, NO ONE would ever pull the tricker! However, averadge americans have been manipulated in to believing this will eventually happen. It all began back in the Reagan days with there propaganda. America needes to spend over 10-billion a year on a missile shiled or else...
I suppose this falls in to the same catecory as "Iraq will blow up the world, unless we attack NOW!" Averadge Americans are being manipulated nazi style in to believing what ever the american government wants them to belive. But the missile shield only costs about 10-billion a year, wich really isnt that much when you look at it. After all, Iraq ALONE only takes about 100-billion dollars per year! And the anual "defence" budget is about 500-billion dollars, wich is bigger than the all the other worlds anual "defence budgets" combinet!
But monet isnt the only thing that manners. We have to remember, than in 333 bc Alexander the great fased an enemy, that had about 10-times the amouth of money Alexander had, but Alexander the "great" still prevailed! Americans generals, defence analysts and even averadge Americans are now begeining to see, that there country is WASTING more money than any other country in history, wich is why America is now so dangerously on the brink of a collapse!
Money isnt the only thing that manners, and acually hardly ever is! Im sure, that for instanche the Chinese emperor had more money the use than the British back in 1839 in the opium war, but the British still won! The thing wich will truly win the batles is the "know how" You cant buid a "bulletproof" missile shiled unless you know how, wich the Americans still dont There defence systems of today are relatively old and not designed against new stealth or super sonic tehconology. In otherworlds upgrading the current missile shiled will take YEARS and BILLIONS of dollars yeat to come!
It's truly ironic in a way! A country that cant even control the rio grande still desperately tries to control the eufrat with about a 100-billion each year! Or in a way this IS logical:America could have been in this "state of collapse" even before 9/11, and now Americans are trying to draw atention away from there obies corruption and the lack of scill in running there own house! Sow the Iraq was is not a sign of strength rather than a sign of weaknes! They must KNOW, that it will be nearly imposible to project them from ever smaller and deadlyer bombs and biological/cemical weapons! Back in the 1980't only the Soviets were(at the expens of MAD)able to hit the US, but today it's possible to almost everybody thanks to the great american invention of "Globalism" However, terrorists dont have the resources of China, and if China would ever desides(like the CIA)to start putting "mininukes" on US:s own soil, the US would really be [scrued!The idea of the missile shiled in this enviorment cannot work, because the hole idea of the shiled is invulnerability! But if a couple of wacos armed with some rusty knives and guns the probobly bought from some gun show can take out the PENTAGON, than how is the US supposed to be " invulnerable ":
In the end i come to the conclusion, that the missile shiled wont most likely NEVER work! Its a "pipe dream" like the Americans would say it. As America spends about a 10-billion dollars to fight old wars like the emperors of ancient China and Persia did, Americas enemys make new, deadlyer, and a lot more difficult to trace bombs, and even smaller, faster and deadlyer missiles! In the end it is the US, and especially the US taxpyers that loses! America got "hyped" about the fall of the Berlin wall, but now it's finally time to come back to reality from "wonderland" American "dominance" cannot last, and will only make more enemys ready to attack her from both out and within! The ONLY way for lasting peace if to give up American "unilateralism" and return to a new ABM treaty banning all space amrs and "missile shileds" all together! Without the support of other super powers america cannot fight against international terrorism, and terrorists DO NOT have a "home address" You cannot make "agreements" with terrorists, because NO ONE will back up those agreements! With them there can be no truce or "peace treaty" They do not care, if America in retaliation for there attack bombs Mekka or Beijing! They just DONT care! If America was wise, it would realice, that the TRUE enemy is not either Russia, India or China! ALL these governments want to work with America for a more stable world, because they KNOW that NO ONE can "win" a war with modern WMD:s! China, knows that, India knows as well, but America dosent! Working on "missile defenses" and arming space will not make a world a safer place. It only creates political tension, wich terrorists will use to advantage there cause. In the end it's the American taxpayer, who will pay with hes or her taxdollars and maybe even with his/her own blood for there bogus "shields" It is the good will of men that projects us from wars, NOT giant maginot lines up in the sky!
P.S:Since double posting is strictly BANNED from this forum i will only post this link showing how well Americas "allpowerfull" missile shiled will project them from for instanche Russia. And as for Al'qaida and the rest of the "rogues"...well, lets just say they dont have a habbit of using ICBM:s :
Some experts claime, that the hole project was all about putting arms in to space, so they disguised these devices to look like a "missile shiled" The idea was basicly to open the door for this WERY expensive and quite easily countable project by the military allready somewhere in 1982. The public would be spooked in to beliveing that the soviets were acually dumb enough to nuke the US, wich is why they needed this "shield"
Ofcourse it was all a ploy. First of all the Soviets wouldnt do that, because they were allready broke in 1982. Second, this was a porject both by the military industrial complex and Ronald Reagan, a b-class actor who wanted to become an "all american hero"
Basicly speaking we must be talking about one of the most dumb military projects in history. Luckily for America(wich would have probobly gone broke developing one)they secretly gave up the hole project about the same time the Soviet union collapset
The idea is to basicly build weapons, and send them in to space. America aimded for space supremacy(and to shoot down possible enemy satelites)while stating it needs this system for "defence" To say it like the Chinese do;"My enemy has very cleverly disguised hes sword to be a shield"
There hardly can be any dumber idea than a "missile shield" Ofcouse maybe as a long term project it might have not been such a bad idea in the 1980's In the book "war day" there is a imaginary scenario, where the Soviets use ICBM:s to shoot this system down before it becomes fully operational. Now imagine just that! America in the 1980's would have used TRILLIONS of dollars for these new high tech satelites, and then just before there fully operational, the Soviets sudenly attack and shoot them down
How would have Ronald Reagans America respondet? Any attack on the Soviets would have met a deadly retaliation! So, what would have America done? Cursed and threaten the soviets? Most likely. Or maybe something else funny and desperate? You have ro realize, that first of all in order to have such a system you need LOTS of money, wich America did not either have in the 1980's or now, so it's a WERY risky operation! You would have had to use this money in the 1980's to develop both new generation satelites and missiles. The tricly part is the satelites, wich are vulnerable to for instanche emp attacks.
The Soviets could have done this(just before the system was fully operational)and the Americans would have lost TRILLIONS of dollars, and still be stuck with MAD.
I think military experts have known this for quite some time. Not everyone in the Pentagon is as dumb as you might tink, ESPECIALLY after 9/11! It was always a VERY risky experiment, wich is why it was acually cancelled after Reagans long regime endet.
Reagan tried to convince average americans, that MAD was a too deadly theory to exist even if it had secured pace since 1945. Reagan used propaganda to try to manipulate people in to thinking that MAD(Mutually assured destruction)would eventually destroy America, after all he was an actor. Still it did not, and when Mihail Gorbatšov came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985, he set off a hole new revoliton of reforms that permanently changed the Soviet Union and the hole world!
So was a missile missile shield nessecary? Ofcourse not! But still Americans quite never gave up on the project! After the fall of the Soviet Union it was acually more nessesary than ever, since it was a part of a way for america to secure "global dominance"
The problem is, that countries like China ans Russia have now "woken up" from there deep deep coma caused by a closed system and communism. Thanks to "globalism" American labs are being hacked each day by not just China, and vital information is being stolen now from the worlds only "hyper power" As a result new deadly stealth and super sonic missiles and being build including new "nano satelites" and EMP weapons ready to fight america in space.
If the americans were smart, they wouldnt even try it! And what about the so called "rogue states" and there nukes? Come on! If "rogues" want to hit America, why would they use old Rrussian SS-18:s to deliver there deadly arsenal to american soil? Over 500 000-illegal aliens march over Americas borders every years thanks to globalism, so please dont now give my that crap:"we need a missile shiled against a possible attack from Iran or al'qaida"
Blaa blaa blaa...yeah right
The fact is, that even if both China and the US had over 10 000-nuclear tipped missiles aimed at each other, NO ONE would ever pull the tricker! However, averadge americans have been manipulated in to believing this will eventually happen. It all began back in the Reagan days with there propaganda. America needes to spend over 10-billion a year on a missile shiled or else...
I suppose this falls in to the same catecory as "Iraq will blow up the world, unless we attack NOW!" Averadge Americans are being manipulated nazi style in to believing what ever the american government wants them to belive. But the missile shield only costs about 10-billion a year, wich really isnt that much when you look at it. After all, Iraq ALONE only takes about 100-billion dollars per year! And the anual "defence" budget is about 500-billion dollars, wich is bigger than the all the other worlds anual "defence budgets" combinet!
But monet isnt the only thing that manners. We have to remember, than in 333 bc Alexander the great fased an enemy, that had about 10-times the amouth of money Alexander had, but Alexander the "great" still prevailed! Americans generals, defence analysts and even averadge Americans are now begeining to see, that there country is WASTING more money than any other country in history, wich is why America is now so dangerously on the brink of a collapse!
Money isnt the only thing that manners, and acually hardly ever is! Im sure, that for instanche the Chinese emperor had more money the use than the British back in 1839 in the opium war, but the British still won! The thing wich will truly win the batles is the "know how" You cant buid a "bulletproof" missile shiled unless you know how, wich the Americans still dont There defence systems of today are relatively old and not designed against new stealth or super sonic tehconology. In otherworlds upgrading the current missile shiled will take YEARS and BILLIONS of dollars yeat to come!
It's truly ironic in a way! A country that cant even control the rio grande still desperately tries to control the eufrat with about a 100-billion each year! Or in a way this IS logical:America could have been in this "state of collapse" even before 9/11, and now Americans are trying to draw atention away from there obies corruption and the lack of scill in running there own house! Sow the Iraq was is not a sign of strength rather than a sign of weaknes! They must KNOW, that it will be nearly imposible to project them from ever smaller and deadlyer bombs and biological/cemical weapons! Back in the 1980't only the Soviets were(at the expens of MAD)able to hit the US, but today it's possible to almost everybody thanks to the great american invention of "Globalism" However, terrorists dont have the resources of China, and if China would ever desides(like the CIA)to start putting "mininukes" on US:s own soil, the US would really be [scrued!The idea of the missile shiled in this enviorment cannot work, because the hole idea of the shiled is invulnerability! But if a couple of wacos armed with some rusty knives and guns the probobly bought from some gun show can take out the PENTAGON, than how is the US supposed to be " invulnerable ":
In the end i come to the conclusion, that the missile shiled wont most likely NEVER work! Its a "pipe dream" like the Americans would say it. As America spends about a 10-billion dollars to fight old wars like the emperors of ancient China and Persia did, Americas enemys make new, deadlyer, and a lot more difficult to trace bombs, and even smaller, faster and deadlyer missiles! In the end it is the US, and especially the US taxpyers that loses! America got "hyped" about the fall of the Berlin wall, but now it's finally time to come back to reality from "wonderland" American "dominance" cannot last, and will only make more enemys ready to attack her from both out and within! The ONLY way for lasting peace if to give up American "unilateralism" and return to a new ABM treaty banning all space amrs and "missile shileds" all together! Without the support of other super powers america cannot fight against international terrorism, and terrorists DO NOT have a "home address" You cannot make "agreements" with terrorists, because NO ONE will back up those agreements! With them there can be no truce or "peace treaty" They do not care, if America in retaliation for there attack bombs Mekka or Beijing! They just DONT care! If America was wise, it would realice, that the TRUE enemy is not either Russia, India or China! ALL these governments want to work with America for a more stable world, because they KNOW that NO ONE can "win" a war with modern WMD:s! China, knows that, India knows as well, but America dosent! Working on "missile defenses" and arming space will not make a world a safer place. It only creates political tension, wich terrorists will use to advantage there cause. In the end it's the American taxpayer, who will pay with hes or her taxdollars and maybe even with his/her own blood for there bogus "shields" It is the good will of men that projects us from wars, NOT giant maginot lines up in the sky!
P.S:Since double posting is strictly BANNED from this forum i will only post this link showing how well Americas "allpowerfull" missile shiled will project them from for instanche Russia. And as for Al'qaida and the rest of the "rogues"...well, lets just say they dont have a habbit of using ICBM:s :