Very High-res pictures

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Folks, of late we are getting a LOT of extremely high res pictures being posted directly into threads.

This is not helpful and we please need to be more considerate of other posters.

Any very high res pictures (like anything over 2000 pix) should have a smaller version posted with a link to the high res.

See how BD Popeye or test bd does it in the Daily US Naval Pictures thread in the Military Pictures Forum.

Pictures over that, like many of the 5000 x 3000 that are being posted, simply take too long to load, slowing down everyone who visits this page.

This is being added to SD rules. In the future such posts will be deleted.


Jeff Head

SD Super Moderator

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Jeff Head just made a post;

Very High-res pictures

... about posting hi-res photos. And I agree with him.. All you fellows have to do is use a photo-hosting site to re-size your photos. imgur is free and easy to resize.. it can be done instantly or you can manually edit those gigantic pix....other photo hosting sites have the same ability.
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