New Speacial forces pictures


VIP Professional
One may point I want to point out is you can't judge how good any group of SOF is just because of the news, an offical report of an country or TV becos half the time is BS.

NEWS - Like to make thing seem bigger then it is.
TV - It BS from the start.
Offical government report - Hmm some country like to make themself better then they really are, while other try to hide how good they really are.

Every SOF is train for a specific, you can't really said who is better. They all have thier up and down.

For example, the US SOF have the best training and equipment but some could argue they are over depend on techology.
They said Chinese SOF down have the experience but some would argue they do with CT operation in xinjian and has gain a vast amount of experience in guerilla gain from WW2, Chinese Civil War and vietnam.

Guerilla warfare is one of the most important tactic use by SOF nowaday and it be one of the mosst important for many year to come.

petty officer1

Junior Member
Chinese "snow Wolf" Special forces!






Mod edit: merged with existing chinese special forces thread


Banned Idiot
BrotherofSnake said:
The Battle of Mogadishu.

How wasn't Grenada a real fight?

U.S. Special Operations Forces conducted a lot of missions in both Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom.

Also, remember the four man SEAL team that was almost wiped out about a year ago? That was not a limited engagement.

yes, as i remember, mogadishu was a more of a failure than sucess, and eventually led to u.s pullout. And these were just a bunch of somalian teenagers on drugs. Nothing like the PLA spec ops.

in grenada, the u.s marines and rangers were sent in. no spec ops.

Snow wolf was started in December 2002, but not revealed to public until last weekend

petty officer1

Junior Member
New2u They just formed because of the 2008Olympics...
and their are not the army's special forces, they are with the PAP.

Here some pics of the army's special forces.
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and with NATO guns...

Why are they using G36 on one of your picture? And one more question. Why In some picture chinese special forces don't wear any type of gloves? Glove have two good thing.

One, Cover the hand that is light in color, so sniper can't pick you up.
Two, protect you hand.

In that
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picture they wear gloves. Are they real special forces in china, or some other asian country, or just military fans?
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Junior Member
MIGleader said:
yes, as i remember, mogadishu was a more of a failure than sucess, and eventually led to u.s pullout. And these were just a bunch of somalian teenagers on drugs. Nothing like the PLA spec ops.
Uh, most the Somalis were battle hardened vets with more experience than some of the Delta guys.

The mission wasn't exactly a failure, in that U.S. forces captured some of Aidid's top lieutenants.
in grenada, the u.s marines and rangers were sent in. no spec ops.

Snow wolf was started in December 2002, but not revealed to public until last weekend
Last I checked, Rangers were under SOCOM.

Also, U.S. Navy SEALs participated in the invasion of Grenada.
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Finn McCool

Registered Member
You're all forgetting something...

In your disscussions about the experience levels of various special forces units, you are forgetting that many of the operations undertaken by these units, especially US Special Forces/CIA paramilitaries, SAS, Chinese units are never revealed to the public. So for all you know, they could have been quite busy, but it never came to the surface.


Junior Member
An excelent point Finn. And another good point about the Russian SF from Gon (honestly, I cant really remember his full name. I stink with remembering titles and names).

To generalize that the Somali's were just drug-addicted teenagers is generalizing the point. Many of them had experence in civil conflicts and many of the higher ups trained their soliders bassed on Afghani Muhadjeen tactics. It's kind of obvious when you look at how they brought down those two UH-60 helicopters with RPG-7's.

And SEAL's were prominent during the intervention of Greneda. They were the ones who extracted the President and his family if I remember correctly. They did engage ground troops and a BTR-60 V.I.A AC-130 gunship suppourt.

The 75th Ranger Regiment is considered a Special Operations group under the USASOC (United States Army Special Operations Command. A.K.A SOF under SOCOM). They conduct traditional or special operations actions including seizure of enemy airfeilds and other vital positions and conducting direct action operations.

As far as comparison goes, you really can not compare so easily. If I had to say the BEST ones bassed on operations that I personaly have heard of? I would say that SAS is definately one of the top contenders. Delta Force, from what little information I have heard of (Including acting as sonic-gun weilding guards to alien slaves in underground tunnel networks...This of course not one of the deciding factors) they definately rank up there. The Exploits of the Aussie SAS and Canadian special forces groups (Such as their JTF units and their Sniper units) are also coming to light. They as well seem very skilled. I don't know much about GSG-9 or KSK, and even less about GIGN. But from what I hear, they are very exclusive clubs.

The only Special Forces I can really knock would have to be the North Korean SF groups. They are a resource squandered abducting prominent South Koreans to whatever bizzare whim Kim Jong Il has at the time.
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VIP Professional
In your disscussions about the experience levels of various special forces units, you are forgetting that many of the operations undertaken by these units, especially US Special Forces/CIA paramilitaries, SAS, Chinese units are never revealed to the public. So for all you know, they could have been quite busy, but it never came to the surface.

I been stating this point for a while. I mention clandestine opt of a while now.

Why are they using G36 on one of your picture? And one more question. Why In some picture chinese special forces don't wear any type of gloves? Glove have two good thing.

One, Cover the hand that is light in color, so sniper can't pick you up.
Two, protect you hand.

It may be a personal choice, as most SOF allow a large quantity of personal choice with it gear.

As far as comparison goes, you really can not compare so easily. If I had to say the BEST ones bassed on operations that I personaly have heard of? I would say that SAS is definately one of the top contenders. Delta Force, from what little information I have heard of (Including acting as sonic-gun weilding guards to alien slaves in underground tunnel networks...This of course not one of the deciding factors) they definately rank up there. The Exploits of the Aussie SAS and Canadian special forces groups (Such as their JTF units and their Sniper units) are also coming to light. They as well seem very skilled. I don't know much about GSG-9 or KSK, and even less about GIGN. But from what I hear, they are very exclusive clubs.

Aussie Army - SASR - TAG
Hong Kong Police - SDU
South Korea Army - 707th Special Missions Btn
Japanese Police - SAT
China PAP - Internal Guards Corps - Special Police
Singapore Army - Commando Formation - Special Operation Force

These a possible the best CT forces in Asia

Can anyone find any pic on these PAP unit during operation training and not just posing for the camera. As it's possible to get a view of how well trained up these guy are by seeing the way they cover there corners when they are clearing a room and the during entree.

They just formed because of the 2008Olympics...
and their are not the army's special forces, they are with the PAP.

Well if they are specially trained for the 2008 Olympics most likely because considerable of hostage situation happen during Olympics in recent years.
Well they should be using JS not the Type 95, as it going to over penerate.

An entree team of 4 JS and 2 type 95 with a possibly of 1-2 attached Type 91 would be good mix.
As the assault rifle are better at covering long corridor and large room, it would also supply abit of extra fire power. Nevetheless the JS submachine gun would be best use in confined space and would have lower chance of over peneration during a hostage situation. The Type 91 grenade launcher would allow a fast response when a smoke (for artificial cover - a very effect method to response to sinper) or a stun grenade is needed.