H-6 Bomber Aircraft Discussions


Senior Member
Registered Member
Could you downsize your photos a bit? If an image is larger than 3000-3500 pixels in width, please downsize it before posting and leave a link to the full-size version. Otherwise, it severely degrades page rendering, especially for those who use a mobile device to browse the forum.
Well, they did make the transit around Okinawa on August 24 ... which included 6 H-6K bombers
View attachment 42390 View attachment 42391View attachment 42392

That only makes it a poorly done "artist's impression" of an actual event rather than a fictitious event, it is not a genuine photo. On SDF it is important for a poster to point this out if they already realize it, otherwise others will find it necessary to point out lest there is confusion whether it is a genuine photo.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I am curious if the H6K carries missiles during these trips, and if so, did they carry AA missiles at all? Or how can they defend themselves?


Lieutenant General
No operational bomber carries AAMs. It would simply be a waste of the missiles.

Bombers rely on the range of their missiles and fighter support to stay alive.

In a conflict scenario, no bomber would fly without fighter escort in or even near enemy territory.