Coronavirus 2019-2020 thread (no unsubstantiated rumours!)


Registered Member
You do realize that the socialist system has been the number one killer of economies? That’s why China had to go through the painful economic reform that shattered all the social safety nets of all Chinese. The single most important goal of China’s economic reforms since the 1990’s has been to eliminate the old Soviet-style socialist system. No matter how many machines you have and how many skilled workers you have, the old system crushed their motivation and the planned economy messed up all the natural patterns of economics. And that’s been the main reason for the collapse of the Soviets.

Off-topic, but I have to say this because it is incorrect. USSR did not collapse economically because of the socialist system. It was growing basically to the end, but much slower than the capitalist economies.

Gorbachev essentially just decided to commit national suicide.

You could say the inability for the USSR to keep up with western countries’ economies would have left it vulnerable as the military would not keep up long term, but that is a “What If”.

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Another article on the collapse of US CDC and Chinese CDC cooperation.

Really sad, I think the post 80’s to mid-2000’s was an unprecedented time of global cooperation. Now some are bent on creating a new Cold War, and EU is fragile with Brexit and the outbreak’s effect on Spain and Italy.


Lieutenant General
China is in search of economic strategies since the boxer rebellion.

It is not a trial to get rid of soviet style system ,rather to found something instead of the imperial system used for thousands of years .

The Soviet style was the third (or fourth) system that they tired, and there will be more .

That is completely BS China has a highly developed and long tradition of trade and commerce. She is the largest economy bar none up until 17th Century.
Her trader flooded South east Asia since 5th century and develop the commerce in SEA. But it is the imperial oppression that screw much of Chinese capitalist leave them in ruin. When they have wise emperor the country bloom but when they have despot the country is in ruin. The Chinese cultural blind side does not help either Merchant is classified as the lowest rung in Chinese society
Chinese capitalist is alive and well they don't need to find it elsewhere just leave them alone. And that is what Deng did with his slogan of "to get rich is glorious"
The USA will as early as end of today surpass 100,000 of confirmed Covid-19 cases. How did the US ended up with such a mess and in such a short time? I am sure many articles will be written on how the Public Health system adequately or inadequately stepped up to the crisis. What is clear to me is that the "system" dropped the ball by failure to ramp up on the availability of testing kits and wasted probably two weeks of crucial mobilization window.

The private health system dropped the ball for sure.
New York has ramped up to 16,000 tests per day this week, which is more than the entire nation's of Korea, Germany, and Spain. From what I observed, even though loosely enforced, social distancing is being taken seriously and I am not seeing people out on the streets (at least in Queens, can't be sure about other boroughs). The nonstop emergency services sirens (literally non stop) serve as from reminder to people to stay home and flatten the curve. I feel confident that within the next two weeks, the numbers of new infections in NY are going to start going down.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
That is completely BS China has a highly developed and long tradition of trade and commerce. She is the largest economy bar none up until 17th Century.
Her trader flooded South east Asia since 5th century and develop the commerce in SEA. But it is the imperial oppression that screw much of Chinese capitalist leave them in ruin. When they have wise emperor the country bloom but when they have despot the country is in ruin. The Chinese cultural blind side does not help either Merchant is classified as the lowest rung in Chinese society
Chinese capitalist is alive and well they don't need to find it elsewhere just leave them alone. And that is what Deng did with his slogan of "to get rich is glorious"

LEAVE THE BS, this is the corona virus thread! I re-opened this can of worms, with Deino's very strict guidance and Webby's admonition to be respectful: we have done this as a courtesy to members, this off topic US/China/Russia pissing contest, Private Healthcare/Govt Healthcare is off topic!

STOP IT! do NOT respond to this moderation!

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
New York has ramped up to 16,000 tests per day this week, which is more than the entire nation's of Korea, Germany, and Spain. From what I observed, even though loosely enforced, social distancing is being taken seriously and I am not seeing people out on the streets (at least in Queens, can't be sure about other boroughs). The nonstop emergency services sirens (literally non stop) serve as from reminder to people to stay home and flatten the curve. I feel confident that within the next two weeks, the numbers of new infections in NY are going to start going down.

Absolutely right, as I warned earlier our numbers are indeed shocking, but citizens are by and large following Govt guidelines, this will work, and the curve will soon flatten out.


From what I observed, even though loosely enforced, social distancing is being taken seriously [...] I feel confident that within the next two weeks, the numbers of new infections in NY are going to start going down.
Do you know the experience and the numbers?

China started social distancing with 1,300 infections on January 24, 2020 and ended with around 80,000 infections

Italy started with 12,500 infections on March 11, 2020, the curve is flattening out

Germany started on March 18, 2020 with 12,500 infections and is eagerly waiting for the flattening

You need a lot of patience.