No hard feelings, but that upper looks plasticky and absolutely horrendous.
I agree with that to an extent. The Defender Longbow carrying handle replacement has always seemed pretty fragile to me, and the one in that particular image seems to have a poor finish. Keep in mind though that it was designed from the beginning to be a very lightweight, easily mass produced "plug and play" mounting solution for the QBZ95/-1.
The scope is way too far off the barrel axis (whats the point of the massive carrying handle anyways?).
Height over bore for attached optics was a design oversight complicated by the fact that the rear sight post is directly attached to the barrel. The carrying handle is there for the same reason as many other rifles of its era. Maybe try researching a bit before giving your 2 cents?
My 2 cents, we should have just stuck with the old Type 56 AK, with updated furniture and a side rail for optics. The AK looks way more badass and the good old 7.62x39 is a heavy hitter compared to the small bore 5.56.
PLA could have saved some trouble in the long run by choosing a conventional rifle instead of a bullpup, but there's a reason why they, along with most other militaries, phased out "good old heavy hitters" for SCHV cartridges like 5.56/5.45/5.8
In comparison to 7.62x39 the 5.8:
-is lighter in weight
-has significantly superior external ballistics (muzzle velocity, wind/drop, maximum point blank range etc.)
-has less recoil
-when comparing the general purpose cartridges, offers little to no decrease in wounding capability and better effectiveness against personal armor
The main mistake the PLA made with 5.8 was the "9 weapons 1 round" concept that led to them trying to use it to replace 7.62x54R, though they might also be fixing that soon, if rumors are to be believed.
AK's have a good reputation for reliability as well.
And that's mainly just reputation. It excels in a lot conditions, but will notably fail in mud as a result of its loose tolerances being unable to provide a proper seal.
Small arms in general aren't super decisive weapons in modern warfare, we could have spent the money on jet engines, missiles, etc.
That's exactly what the PLA has been doing. You obviously haven't been paying much attention.
instead of making newer rifles that don't really improve capabilities all that much.
Yes of course! Why even bother with the current bare minimum? PLA should just take their Type-56 SKS out of storage and just run around with those