Fiery Cross is a collection of three reefs. This is a picture of the north eastern part of Fiery Cross or Yongshu which has two reefs.
The pics in posts #633, #641 and #644 show reclamation on the south western part of Fiery Cross which is occupied by the PRC since 1998, when a "UNESCO marine observation station" was built there.
I have not seen any news regarding reclamation on the north eastern part. Wonder when they are starting? Looks like they will start after they are done with the south western part.
Lately, there don't seem to be any news regarding the other reclamation at Johnson South, Gaven, Cuateron or Hughes reefs.
Please post if you have any news.
I don't think there really needs to be any reclamation done in the north eastern end. It would be diminishing returns for the investment to reclaim every part of the reef, especially if the current reclamation already indicates space for an airfield and deep harbor. All those diagrams seen seem to be more of fan art then anything. Let's not forget there's already reclamation at several other nearby reefs so they all serve as redundancy to one another.
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