052C/052D Class Destroyers


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It's a problem but it's not unsurmountable. Cutting a ship up and adding a section is something that's been done before. For example there was a cruise liner, forgot the name, that was upgraded by cutting it in half, then added a new section between the portions.

Modern ships are intentionally designed to be a bit Lego like.
I'm not saying it's impossible, just improbable.


Registered Member
One will also have to Re-certify that upgrade tho (e.g Shock test, EMI/EMC test). Which i think can be considered not cost effective.

Maybe those early 052D's will be the one offered for export as 052DE. Upgrades to 052DL Is then on the funding of the potential customer.

I just think they will overhaul it, change the air cooled arrays to liquid cooled ones, change the Type 364 to the 368, the circular VLS to the U-VLS. Update the ESM, ECM. The YJ-62 changed to YJ-12; I'm not sure if there's space in the rear section for the 9m U-VLS for the YJ-18. Minimal base line effort, mainly to get it to the same weapons as the rest of the fleet, especially with the later HHQ-9 stocks. These early HHQ-9 variants using the circular cannister are getting way old too.


I just think they will overhaul it, change the air cooled arrays to liquid cooled ones, change the Type 364 to the 368, the circular VLS to the U-VLS. Update the ESM, ECM. The YJ-62 changed to YJ-12; I'm not sure if there's space in the rear section for the 9m U-VLS for the YJ-18. Minimal base line effort, mainly to get it to the same weapons as the rest of the fleet, especially with the later HHQ-9 stocks. These early HHQ-9 variants using the circular cannister are getting way old too.

You might have thought of 052C


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There is nothing back there at the stern except some bollards and ropes. No machinery. TAS/VDS that are strung out kilometers long will not be affected by the addition of 4m to the stern and can accommodate this increase without issue.

Edit: now that I think about it, even easier would just be to remove all the metal panels at the back end of the ship and then weld a new section to the end of that. You wouldn't even have to cut through the hull at all.
The USN extended the flight deck Oliver Hazard Perry FFG class frigates so that they could operate Seahawk anti submarine helicopters which were too long for the original flight deck.

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A satellite image of Jiangnan shipyard. Four hulls are spotted in various state of construction and fitting out.


Iron Man

Registered Member
If you just add a block to the stern, it will certainly have effect on the propulsive characteristics, may cause vibration and unexpected sound emission patterns. It's not exactly a LEGO.
You forget that the 052DL already exists, so it's not like they haven't tested this length already extensively.

Also, you should read up on duck tails, which actually tend to enhance hydrodynamics and improve fuel efficiency. I do believe the Flight IIAs and IIIs have this over the earlier flights, for this exact reason. I think I saw Type 056As also having duck tails.
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