USS New York, LPD-21 in 1/350 scale

Jeff Head

Registered Member
This looks more fun than doing an aircraft carrier model kit.
These large amphibs in 1/350 scale are a lot of fun.

They have a lot more detail in the weather decks and have, in addition to a decent flight deck, a well deck to outfit too.

Yes, lots of fun.

Hehehe...for example, while I was home at lunch today, I put on the very, very tiny photo etch window wipers for the bridge windows. Now that is neat. I will have pics in my next update.

Jeff Head

Registered Member

The Build - Decals and final ship details - October 10, 2012

I started out this session by begginning to add the decals. There are the pennant numbers and some other hull the name of the ship on the stern. There are also depth markings, but I will wait on those to the very end after I add the waterline mark. Also, there are warning lines around the Mk-46 30mm guns and RAM missile launchers.

But the vast majority of the decals were involved with the detail for the landing deck markings...over 52 decals for the landing deck alone.




Then, it was time to complete some of the left-over details for the various weather decks and things for the windows on the bridge and the landing deck. These involved the window wipers which have been finely provided in the photo etch frets. I have not attempted to add these to some of the other vessels, but decided to go ahead and add them here. They were relatively sturdy (for the size they are...which is very small) and they turned out very nicely.




I really like that. Then there were the other details. Like the hand wheels for the anchor chains...very tiny photo etch parts. The .50 cal machine guns on the bridge wings near the watch staion on either side. The Gallery model only provided four .50 cal machine guns...the ships normally go to sea with six. The Gallery model omits the two on the bridge wings...but I like them there and so added them. I will go back and add two others (either from other models, or scratch built) near the bow. Also, the unloading/ditch stations on ether side of the landing deck near the hanger. In addition, the support struts under the small decks that are underneath the bridge wings on either side. These decks have two support struts each and they are not included with the Gallery model, so I scracth built them from other parts in my stach, and added them there.

Several other such details were added that simple continue to add to the realism of the vessel:




Finally, some overall shots of the various sections of the ship as she is structurally completed with almost all of her decals. I also added some shots of the well deck showing her detail in there with the LCU, the LCAC, and the railings along either side of the well deck:







This is a very nicely done vessel.

My final session will be building and adding the aircraft. I intend to have two MV-22 Osprey aircraft in the main landing positions, preparing to depart. Two AH-1A Cobra attack helicopters with their rotos folded on the starboard side of the deck near the forwardf end of that deck, and then a CH-53E Super Stallion, with its rotos folded inside the hanger. Once those are built and added, it will be tocuh-up time and then the completed pictures.


Lieutenant General
No lights added on the inside of the welding deck like you did to the hangars of the aircraft carrier Jeff? :confused:

Jeff Head

Registered Member
No lights added on the inside of the welding deck like you did to the hangars of the aircraft carrier Jeff? :confused:

The lighting systems are not too cheap, and I have three of these to do (two San Anotnios and the one Type 071), and you can easily see the details from the rear of the boat with a flash light..

On the Wasp class, the USS Iwo Jima, LHD-7, I will add one. That well deck is a lot longer, and I will be adding one for its hanger deck anyway so will make them both come on together.

Jeff Head

Registered Member

The Build - Aircraft and completing the model - October 12, 2012

This session started with building the aircraft for the USS New York. As stated earlier, I decided to have the following aircraft:

2 x MV-22 Osprey assault transports
2 x AH-1W Cobra attack helicopters
1 x Ch-53E Super Stallion Helo

Each of these is a small model unto itself consisting of between 9 and 18 parts.

So, I assembled them, painted them (including free-handing the cockpits), added the landing gear, added the rotors and then added the US Marine Corps decals for each one.




Then it was time to position these aircraft on the vessel, and then glue them there. I put the two Cobras on the starboard side, up near the hanger in deck potion 4. I put the two Osprey on the main landing deck at positions 1 and 2, either waiting to load troops and leave, or just returning. I put the Super Stallion in the hanger. Then it was time for the final dull coats and the final photos.







... and her are some close ups of the various details.







That completes the San Antonio Class Landing Platform Dock, USS New York, LPD-21.

I decided to build the Trumpeter 1/350 scale Junlun, PLAN's Type 071 LPD, 998, next so I can compare the two classes.