Jura The idiot
When checking on Chinese naval guns http://www.sinodefenceforum.com/navy/plan-type-052c-052d-class-destroyers-22-6881.html#post294427 I found this awesome picture:
The caption says "The PJ26 76 mm dual purpose guns on the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Type 054A Frigates 570 Huangshan 黃山 (Foreground) and 568 Hengyang 衡阳 in Malta"
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The caption says "The PJ26 76 mm dual purpose guns on the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy Type 054A Frigates 570 Huangshan 黃山 (Foreground) and 568 Hengyang 衡阳 in Malta"
>>> It's okay to post pics from Flickr. Click on the three dots to the bottom right of the picture, select "view all sizes", pick either 640, 800, or 1024, then right click on the pic that comes up and copy the URL to be able to post that URL here. <<<
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