note the wooden grips. This strikes me for potential plain Clothes MP a bodyguard may be a aviator some one for whom the full service pistol might be a bit obtrusive. Some times even Ranking officers. which might be this things end user.
It does say for regiment commanders and above, personal protection details, scouts, as well as self-defence sidearm for aviators and cosmonauts.
I am sorry Mwryum but this makes no sense as a Flashlight mount. A small reflex optic with a laser is what this is. Placing a Flashlight there would be ridiculous the mount swivels so your light would be out of place. if you used it for CQ and if you tried to use the light to Aim the Grenade it would also be a fail as the light would probably not cast a spot past 20 meters. a red dot with a laser is thee best bet it would be swiveled to aim. and if you look at this picture there even seems to be some reflection form glass at the back of the larger tube.
Your pics shows the carbine version, the QBZ95B-1, and some of the pics available online shows there are flashlight and laser pointer attachments for it, alas those are more bulky than those available to US military. Mounting points are on the sides of the front sight. Of course, in order not to obstruct the grenade launcher's iron sight, the mount on the left have to be the laser sight.
This Scope looks like the same one from Mace's "Sniper Grenade launcher"
Mwryum You seem to have had a little play time with it What is it? my guess is a range finder like the MEPRO MESLAS
But not as advanced as the Tracking point system
You've no idea how busy that day for that booth...while only a few knew this is the "new stuff", most common folks couldn't resist the lure of a big gun after all. So I actually don't have that much of time to really play with it, taking good pictures quickly was tough by itself. But by what little interaction I managed to squeeze out of it, it's a scope comes with its own laser rangefinder and ballistic calculator, which will generate a red reticle (a "T" with a circle in the middle) over the intended target. The display has elevation markings.
A feature I strongly Do not approve of Right here! just begging for debris to screw up the magazine
The bottom of the magazine has 3 hole that should allow debris to drain away, but you are right because I do share the same doubt.
Just for fun I love the Splitter pattern!
Replica WW2 German M42 camo pattern, still looks viable today, alas today's fad is digital patterns...