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It's funny that Dr. Krieg is such a whiny little brat. Writing his most recent book titled: SUBVERSION: the strategic weaponization of narratives. Which is not only entertaining but also hypocritical which is really the hallmark of these western academics. The level of whining is just pathetic.
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I guess this unfortunate incident between an American teacher and a high school student was also caused by the maligned actions of the COMMIE China and TIKTOK. Lol


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Yes, Korean attitudes towards China has also gotten much worse as a result. It's very sad to see blood brothers feuding with each other. Being the bigger nation, China should be proactive in promoting Chinese Korean cooperation and goodwill. An independent Korean peninsula outside of US influence would be to the benefit of both peoples. Chinese people should be more sensitive to Korean nationalism and avoid stupid shit like claiming Goguryeo is not Korean history or getting mad over who invented irrelevant ancient shit like zongzi and hanfu. It is more important to focus the big picture.
Oh please. It takes two to tango. Chinese attitudes are much less toxic than the South Korean ones.

There is never a blood brother thing. Just ask the Slavs.


Registered Member
It is certainly interesting the historical encounter (2025-2045) between the military empire of London and Washington, last version of the empire of the Romans, and the Chinese Commercial Civilization.
Gulf Arabs together with US shaped the post world war. every one else was irrelevant. (see 1945/1956 Suez). it is just Gulf Arabs Primary focus Anti Soviet. You can see this in there approach to Japan when it was imperial power and Japanese delegation arrived immediately in 1945. Even today what ever is happening they are either supportive or not opposed.
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Secretary Kissinger: I am just totally allergic to unilateral European decisions that fundamentally affect American interests—taken without consultation of the United States. And my tendency is to smash any attempt in which they do it until they learn that they can’t do it without talking to us.

for those who think there are unknown reason for US presence. but if US unable to fulfill its commitments than they are going to create Arabic world order.
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Former Saudi army commander says Riyadh has always supported the Kurds​



Registered Member
Every US' president administration has a large membership of Jewish Zionists (in addition to Christian Zionists). I don't remember a time when an administration didn't have Jewish Zionist on board.

The US State Department's middleast department is like a Jewish wedding. What could go wrong? Hell, even the primary contractor translating middleast languages for the US government is Jewish, and not just any Jewish, but an ex-Mossad Israeli agent (MEMRI). What could possibly go wrong?

Blinken, Victoria Nuland, heck even the Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Jews are overrepresented in the US government taking into consideration their proportion of the general US population.

They constitute a huge chunk of the neocons. And this is bipartisan. For example Paul Wolfowitz.
Indeed, it was due to the Jewish neocon infiltration that U.S. policy towards Ukraine and Russia led to the current war. It was obvious that ethnic hatred of Russia on the part of Madeline Albright, Nuland due to historical grievances against Russia played a part in US policy and eventually war On Russia.
The fact that China is the go-to nation for peace in the Middle East makes some folks mad.
do you see the implicit message these white supremacists are saying? How dare a non white Chinese nation presume to act as moral arbiter? How dare white nations go to China to resolve disputes? How dare China invalidate the religion of white supremacy?


Junior Member
Registered Member
Oh please. It takes two to tango. Chinese attitudes are much less toxic than the South Korean ones.

There is never a blood brother thing. Just ask the Slavs.
Koreans arent going to side with China for two reasons.

1.They are a vassal state

2.They have been in the shadow of China for almost its entire history and they see things reverting back to that.

You can't even say it's some Han Chinese westoid BS because the Mongols and Manchus did the same thing anyway. Korea is the subordinate and China is the boss. Koreans see many things reverting back to China and they will no longer get to stand out as the representative of the sinosphere. As Chinese gains more prestige, people will start asking questions on Korean stuff saying hey isn't that actually Chinese? You can already see it with Japan and those guys had way more time to create their own identity.

There's a reason Koreans hate China more than even Taiwanese who are supposed to be going to war with China soon. Many Taiwanese don't have this butthurt feeling since they know they are Chinese. If China wins, not much will actually change since many Taiwanese firms already get most of their business from China anyway.

But that's not really China's problem that Korea feels butthurt that it has identity issues. Ultimately it depends on who wins. Korea was noble in siding with the Ming over Qing but at the end of the day that was the wrong choice. And likewise if China wins over the west, you will see the same thing.


Registered Member
Koreans arent going to side with China for two reasons.

1.They are a vassal state

2.They have been in the shadow of China for almost its entire history and they see things reverting back to that.

You can't even say it's some Han Chinese westoid BS because the Mongols and Manchus did the same thing anyway. Korea is the subordinate and China is the boss. Koreans see many things reverting back to China and they will no longer get to stand out as the representative of the sinosphere. As Chinese gains more prestige, people will start asking questions on Korean stuff saying hey isn't that actually Chinese? You can already see it with Japan and those guys had way more time to create their own identity.

But that's not really China's problem that Korea feels butthurt that it has identity issues. Ultimately it depends on who wins. Korea was noble in siding with the Ming over Qing but at the end of the day that was the wrong choice. And likewise if China wins over the west, you will see the same thing.
Technically Korea is older than Japan. They already had writing and iron in 100 BC when Japan was still tribal bronze age in the Jomon era.


Registered Member
But that's not really China's problem that Korea feels butthurt that it has identity issues. Ultimately it depends on who wins. Korea was noble in siding with the Ming over Qing but at the end of the day that was the wrong choice. And likewise if China wins over the west, you will see the same thing.
Ming had just saved Korea from annihilation from the Imjin war, it would have been unacceptable to betray Ming without token resistance.

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EU appears to have sided with white supremacy in the Anglo war against China. The European peninsula needs to be reminded that you can live free with good living standards or you can be a whites supremacist in a deindustrialised, low living standards shithole but you can’t have both.

I foresee EU going the way of Japan which means sexpats from America comin to Europe and Europeans being illegal immigrant workers in places like Australia and even China.

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anglo Atlanticist elites must really be feeling insecure if they’re coming after all dissidents.